Bryson you are 14 months old today!
You weigh around 25 pounds and are a HEFTY little chunk
You are in size 4 diapers. You can still wear some 12 month clothes but you are mostly in size 18 months
You are such a good eater! Some of your favorites are green beans, macaroni and cheese, pancakes, and any flavor of yogurt. You LOVE baked beans. I think you would eat them for every meal every day if I would let you!

You love to read books and love when I read to you.
You are waving hi and bye-bye, pointing at things you want, you will kiss us on the lips or cheek "giving us love", and you still like playing peek-a-boo.
You have really started enjoying the nursery ever since you moved up a class. I think you like getting to play with the other kids. Just the other Sunday when your daddy came to pick you up, you started pitching a fit because you didn't want to leave :)
You are talking more and more everyday. You can say "beans", "ball", "bible", "pat", "hi and hey", "daddy", "bye-bye" and "juice." And you've said your first sentence "gonna go bye-bye". You are VERY bright and I love hearing you talk. I could listen to it all the time.

You are still crawling everywhere, but taking more steps on your own everyday. You are into EVERYTHING! I can hardly keep up with you. You are a busy little guy and you keep me on my toes. I can only imagine what it will be like when you are walking full time.
Every night I love to just rock you to sleep while you lay your head on my chest. I try to soak up every second because I know one day you will be to big for me to hold and you won't want me to rock you. You put your arms around mine and your daddy's neck all the time. It melts my heart and I could just eat you up!
You weigh around 25 pounds and are a HEFTY little chunk
You are in size 4 diapers. You can still wear some 12 month clothes but you are mostly in size 18 months
You are such a good eater! Some of your favorites are green beans, macaroni and cheese, pancakes, and any flavor of yogurt. You LOVE baked beans. I think you would eat them for every meal every day if I would let you!
You love to read books and love when I read to you.
You are waving hi and bye-bye, pointing at things you want, you will kiss us on the lips or cheek "giving us love", and you still like playing peek-a-boo.
You have really started enjoying the nursery ever since you moved up a class. I think you like getting to play with the other kids. Just the other Sunday when your daddy came to pick you up, you started pitching a fit because you didn't want to leave :)
You are talking more and more everyday. You can say "beans", "ball", "bible", "pat", "hi and hey", "daddy", "bye-bye" and "juice." And you've said your first sentence "gonna go bye-bye". You are VERY bright and I love hearing you talk. I could listen to it all the time.
You are still crawling everywhere, but taking more steps on your own everyday. You are into EVERYTHING! I can hardly keep up with you. You are a busy little guy and you keep me on my toes. I can only imagine what it will be like when you are walking full time.
Every night I love to just rock you to sleep while you lay your head on my chest. I try to soak up every second because I know one day you will be to big for me to hold and you won't want me to rock you. You put your arms around mine and your daddy's neck all the time. It melts my heart and I could just eat you up!
He is SO stinkin' cute!! That face is killer!