I could go into how at the sight of something sweet I loose all sense of control. Or that I have a BIG problem when it comes to spending money (not on myself, but on the boys). Who doesn't love seeing two brothers wearing matching outfits? I do! Hence the spending problem. But after really thinking about it, this is what I wanted to write about.
Self confidence, but not in the physical way, as a mother.
I am always looking at other moms and sizing myself up. Thinking, wow look at how her kids are dressed to the "T" and not a hair is out of place. Or how in the world does she have the time to work out, have dinner on the table, get her kids to eat all their vegetables, keep her house looking immaculate, etc.
And I know the saying, things aren't always what they seem on the outside. And it's SO true! We all have our struggles and insecurities. But as a mother it's hard not to get down on yourself after your toddler has had a meltdown in the middle of the grocery store and everyone is staring at you thinking "she can't even handle her kids in a grocery store!" Or those days when you feel like everything you say and do starts with "no!", "stop it!" or "don't make me..." Those are the days where I just want to curl up in a ball and question what on earth was the Lord thinking when he gave me this responsibility.
I know I'm not perfect. I'm a work in progress. I fail my children every day. And just like they are learning new things, so am I. I'm only 4 years into this motherhood thing and nothing too crazy as happened yet. :) God had enough confidence to allow me to be the mother to my two boys. And if He believes in me, I should believe in myself.
:) I would like to say that when I see kids meltdown in the grocery store and I look over there I think "SOOOO glad that's not my kid today!" because anybody with a kid KNOWS that it could just as easily be their kid. :) You've got two healthy good looking kids God is good! Also I have lots of days I want to curl up in a ball and not stay there NOT saying Stop! or get down or stop doing that!! :) these young kids are crazyyyyy but man they can make you laugh, make you proud, and make you cry (sometimes in a good way) :)