I hope to FINALLY be in some kind of routine. After having Jaxon, routines are no longer in my vocabulary. I'm a type A personality that thrives on routines and having things just right. I have learned to allow myself grace every once in a while. But I hope that things will start getting a little easier before the boys move out and start college. Ha!
I hope to be debt free. With the exception of a mortgage and utilities. I'm an soooo tired of writing that student loan check every month. Would love to have that money to start a college fund for the boys.
Would love to go on a mission trip. It's something I've been thinking about for a while now. I love missions and love getting to experience new places. I would love to have the chance to go to Uganda or Hati.
I hope I'm rocking my 30's. I'll actually be 36 almost 37. Yikes!!!
I hope to be happy with my job. I LOVE being a pediatric nurse. Wouldn't change it for anything in this world. But there have been a lot of changes over the last 9 months and I hope I'm at a place where I still love my job.
I hope I'll be able to handle both boys being at school. Bryson will be nine and Jaxon six. Both boys will be in elementary school and that's not something I could handle right now. I enjoy having the boys with me every day (with the exception of MDO two days a week). I get to keep them in my little bubble and protect them from the craziness this world can be sometimes. I hope I'm prepared for what they will ask me.
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