I love finding things to fill Bryson's basket with! Who knew how much fun it would be to do these kinds of things when you have kids?!? That's something POSITIVE people don't share with you when you become a mom! I probably went just a little over board this year, but I couldn't help myself. So many fun and many inexpensive finds I found to fill the toddlers' basket. I hope some of these ideas might help you fill your little ones Easter basket with this year or ideas you can use for next year.

Zonderkidzs The Beginners Bible - I'm really excited about B getting this! I think most of the bibles we have are to old for him right now and I've heard great things about this one.
And how can you go wrong with the milk chocolate Cadberry mini eggs????
How can your little boy not look adorable in a gingham bow tie, just in time to wear on Easter Sunday. Brittany is making the boys theirs for Easter and I cannot wait to see them!!!
I fell in love with these precious Peek A Whoo JellyCat bunnies when AP blogged about them.
The Children's Place has some adorable pajamas. They are my go to store for purchasing the boys jammies.
Crayola Easter Egg Sidewalk Chalk. I bought these for B before and he LOVED them! They are just perfect for your little ones basket.
Bryson is obsessed with Jake and the Neverland Pirates. I think he would really like the Peter Pan movie.
My boys love this book.
Some other good ideas I have found: bubbles, iTunes gift card (B loves playing games on the iPad and it can get expensive sometimes), their favorite snack, coloring books and crayons, sippy cup, personalized placemats or plates, and a swimsuit (this was something I did for Bryson several years ago).
Hope y'all can find a few ideas for your little ones this Easter. And please share other ideas that you have!
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