I grew up going to church. Being raised in the Bible belt it's just something your brought up doing. Attending church every time the doors are open. Checking off every box (read my bible - check, tithed - check, memorized my Sunday School verse - check), you get the picture. I was saved at the age of 13 during my church youth retreat that summer. I stayed involved in my church and never really strayed away from my "Christian upbringing" during my high school and college years.
But it wasn't until I had my boys that I started really understanding what it meant to be a Christian. That being a Christian is more than just attending church and checking off the boxes. Jesus desires for us to have a relationship with Him. He wants to know us on a personal level and for us to know Him on that same level. I feel so ashamed to admit that it has taken me almost 20 years to realize this.
Bryson is almost 4 and has started asking several questions about Jesus. And I am so afraid that I'm not always going to have or know the right answers to tell him. I doubt myself a lot! And I don't want to let him or Jaxon down in this area of their lives. There are so many things people don't tell you when you become a mother.
Observation is HUGE at this stage in their lives in my opinion and I want them to see that through me. I know that every day will be a struggle and at times I'm going to let them down. But that's where pray to me is key. I have just recently started praying over Bryson out loud before I leave his room at night. I used to sneak in before I went to bed and say a silent prayer, but lately I've felt led to say them out loud so he could hear me. And every night he will ask me "mama are you going to pray for me tonight?" I hope when he's 16 he will still come to me and ask me to pray for him.
My desire is to show my boys what being a Christian is all about. I want them to see their mama and daddy living out their faith everyday. Words cannot express how desperately I want my boys to KNOW their Lord and Savior. To have a desire to have a real, authentic relationship with Jesus.
I am so thankful that kelly, erin, jennifer, and courtney are doing this series. Please go and visit some of the other link ups. They have been such a blessing to me!
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