Thursday, October 11, 2012

31 Days series - being in the moment {day 10}

I adore watching Bryson and Clay play with one another. I remember back to when Clay and I longed for a child and wondered if we would ever become parents. Clay wanted a little boy so badly and if I was being honest I did too. I've just always thought of myself as a boy mom (and know that I have two, I think I can enter into that category)!

Yesterday I caught them playing baseball together. Well the toddler kind, where daddy throws a smaller version of a soccer ball so that the toddler can hit it each time :) Ha! Bryson was so proud of himself.

And I know his daddy was too!


  1. I love when I catch Mason and Brian playing ball together. Or doing anything together. Makes this momma heart so proud that Brian is enjoying the time with his son just as much as Mason is.

  2. So sweet!! I always wanted to have a boy too =)


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