Monday, October 1, 2012

31 Days series - being in the moment {day 1}

I'm linking up with The Nester.

Mondays are probably my least favorite day of the week. I'm either getting ready to go back to work that night after being off for the past week or its the start of my first night off.

Well today it was the start of my first night off. Which usually means that I'll end up being awake for over 24 hours. YIKES!!!

On these days I will get Bryson ready for school and drop him off then come back home and either put the baby down and catch up on the DVR or do a few house chores.

But today I decided to skip the house chores and rock Jaxon to sleep.

I rarely rock him to sleep during the day. Because I'm always thinking about what needs to get done while he's taking a nap. Mom fail I know! And I feel guilty for missing this one on one time with him that I have on these days.

These days are so few. I'm going to blink and soon they'll be leaving for college. I don't want to regret that I was too worried about the dishes in the sink or the mounds of laundry that needed to be folded. My baby is only going to be a baby for just a little while.

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