Tuesday, April 10, 2012

project 365: week fourteen

April 1:  Bryson loves walking up to Pop and Gigi's house.

April 2: Bryson cracking up at the movie Cars 2. He laughs at the same part every single time.

April 3: I loved how B's Easter gifts turned out for his class in MDO. I found the idea from pinterest of course :)

April 4: Was so excited that I was able to go to B's Easter party at MDO. He was stuffing his face with a cupcake when I got there. Ha!

April 5: Running up and down and back and forth on the front porch. This child of mine loves being outside.

April 6: Playing with his race cars. He and I had so much fun on Friday! I was so thankful that I spent some one on one time with him that day because little did I know baby brother would be making his arrival on Monday.

April 7: Our last picture as a family of three.

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