Thursday, April 5, 2012

Before Four

Yesterday I had my weekly appointment with my MD. Unfortunately she wasn't there so I saw the on-call doctor. I haven't progressed anymore, but she said it could be tomorrow or a few weeks before Jaxon makes his arrival. I did get some encouraging news this afternoon, Dr. H's nurse called me to tell me that if I haven't gone into labor by next Friday we would be going in for an induction. YAY! I have to say I was completely caught off guard by her phone call, but I can't tell you how excited I am to get to meet our second son! I am SO ready for him to be here!!!!!

We've been doing a lot with Bryson over the last few weeks and enjoying this time with him before we become a family of four.
I finally finished Bryson's Big brother bag to take to the hospital and give to him as a gift from Jaxon. Several of my girlfriends did this and said it was a hit! I might have went a little overboard, but most of this stuff I picked up from the dollar tree.

We took a "last family of three" picture on Sunday. I can't believe we are about to add another addition. We are so excited! And cannot wait to see what this little brother is going to look like.

We made Bunny Bait last week and Bryson loved it! I'm always hesitant doing things like this him because he doesn't always cooperate or either wants to eat it all in one sitting. Ha! But he did so good and was such a great helper. I don't know if breaking the pretzel sticks or stirring was his favorite part.

The weather has been wonderful here lately and we are definitely taking advantage of it. I get excited that Bryson likes being outside. I was never one of those kids that liked being outside. I would rather be inside watching Saved by the Bell or The Mickey Mouse Club. Ha!

I broke out the bubbles and oh my what a hit those were. I really need to look into some kind of bubble machine because mama got tired after 45 minutes of blowing.

He's also been working on his golf swing :) Maybe I've got a Master's Champion on my hands!

Riding the lawn mower with daddy has become his new favorite thing. I told Clay the other day what in the world is he going to do when both of the boys want to ride? Clay found his old micro machine cars and gave them to B and he hasn't let them out of his site since. He loves putting them on the train track. I had these amazing cookies made up for the doctor's and nurses to hand out at the hospital. Ambre from Jolie Delights did the most amazing job on these cookies! They taste just as good as they look. If I don't have Jaxon soon I'm going to end up eating every one! Bryson loves walking up to Pop and Gigi's house. And can y'all see the hat? My little gangster!

1 comment :

  1. Yea for WAITING for Jaxon as opposed to praying he'll stay put! =)

    Can't wait to see his sweet face!


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