We celebrated Easter today with the Wolford family. I actually liked getting together today. Clay and I along with his sisters have several places we have to be at on Easter, so being able to spend time with the family today without having to feel rushed was really relaxing.
My family of three - soon to be family of four!
Nana bought the boys some stickers to put on the windows. Bryson and I had so much fun with these.
The grandkids hanging out in Pawpaw and Nana's room. Pawpaw and Nana have had one grandchild every year since 2009. The babies are the most precious things and are so sweet to one another.
The two big boys getting ready to go hunt Easter eggs.
I can't believe the difference in these boys from last year to this year.
Daddy, Bryson and Pawpaw (I love this picture)
These boys love their Aunt Erica. I kinda' think they get jealous of one another when they are around her. Heaven help us all when she gets ready to have one of her own.
Opening their Easter baskets.
I can't believe I didn't get any pictures of the rest of the family. Probably because I'm 38 weeks pregnant and having a hard time getting around. Ha! And Nana was busy getting pictures on her camera that I didn't get one with her :( Sorry Nana!!
Excited about Easter tomorrow! It's one of my favorite holidays. The meaning of the day, getting to dress up (which might be just a Southern thing), the food, the family, and I love all the colors too. And I get to get out of the house and go to church tomorrow with my family. Yay!!!
Well I better wrap this up so I can watch Charlton Heston in The Ten Commandments. One of my favorite movies!