Tuesday, April 24, 2012

project 365: week sixteen

I'm really thankful that I've been able to keep up with the project 365. Right now I think this is the only way I'm going to be able to have some post because I'm just so tired and exhausted. A newborn and a broken ankle don't mix very well. Ha!
April 15: My in-laws came over after church and brought lunch. Bryson had such a good time with Aunt Erica.

April 16: I hope this is the only day that I miss. I had to go into the doctor's office because I was running a 102.9 temp and having flu like symptoms. Ended up with mastitis. Can I just say how awful it is!!!

April 17: Bryson wanted to help give Jaxon his bottle and wanted his milk at the same time. :)

April 18: Love this picture of my two boys! So precious!!!

April 19: Grandma Amy took B to the park and he brought me back some flowers. I just LOVE this boy!

April 20: Me and all my boys!

April 21: I catch myself taking pictures of the boys together all the time. I can't get enough of them!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

project 365: week fifteen

 April 8: What an Easter! Fell on my way into church and broke my ankle in 3 places at 38 weeks preggo. Oh my!!!

April 9: Welcome to the world Jaxon Clay! We are now a family of four :)

April 10: Daddy and his newest little man!

April 11: I was still kind of groggy from having surgery and this was the only pic I got. Sitting in the backseat on our way home.

April 12: Bryson showing Jaxon his Toy Story and Cars playing cards. Bryson is doing great with J.

April 13: Daddy and Grandpa took J to his 4 day old visit. J's not looking to happy.

April 14: Yawning! Doing a lot of that lately. Ha!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

jaxon's first well visit check-up

Clay and my dad took Jaxon to his first well visit today. I hate that I wasn't able to go, but it's just too much for me to get Jaxon and myself ready with only one working foot. Ha!

Here's the little guy getting checked out by Dr. F. Making sure those hips are okay :)

Clay said as soon as they got into the office Jaxon started screaming and of course I forgot to pre-fill out the paper work before they got there, so I'm sure Clay was thankful that my dad was there to help out while he filled out the mounds and mounds of paper work.

At 3 days old his weight is 6 pounds and 3 ounces. His bilirubin levels looked great which is a blessing. We had a little trouble with Bryson's and so I was glad to hear that Jaxons' were good. Dr. F said he looks great and we go back in two weeks for his next check up. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

jaxon day 1 - in pictures

welcome to the world jaxon clay!
this is the beginning of your story.
and we are so excited that you are ours to share.

project 365: week fourteen

April 1:  Bryson loves walking up to Pop and Gigi's house.

April 2: Bryson cracking up at the movie Cars 2. He laughs at the same part every single time.

April 3: I loved how B's Easter gifts turned out for his class in MDO. I found the idea from pinterest of course :)

April 4: Was so excited that I was able to go to B's Easter party at MDO. He was stuffing his face with a cupcake when I got there. Ha!

April 5: Running up and down and back and forth on the front porch. This child of mine loves being outside.

April 6: Playing with his race cars. He and I had so much fun on Friday! I was so thankful that I spent some one on one time with him that day because little did I know baby brother would be making his arrival on Monday.

April 7: Our last picture as a family of three.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Jaxon

Jaxon Clay Wolford

Born April 9, 2012 @ 1:55pm
6.68lbs and 21inches

The LORD has done great things for us,
and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:3

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012...the one I'll never forget!!!

Wow! What a day this has been. I don't even know where to start. The morning started out pretty good. I decided since I had a good appointment on Wednesday and I was off of bedrest that I would go to church with my family. This would be our last trip to church as a family of three since I knew I would be induced on Friday. We all got ready for church and Bryson looked so stinkin' cute in his outfit. I loved the outfit I got for him. He was so handsome and so was my hubby. I can't tell y'all how proud I am to have these two men in my lives. I am so blessed!!

We get to church and that's where it goes down hill. Clay got Bryson out of the car and I was walking next to them. We get to this part of the parking lot where there is a small slope of grass and it was wet and that's when I tripped. In the moment I knew I was about to fall so I all knew was that I needed to break my fall so that I wouldn't hit my stomach or my head and so I ended up taking my right leg and swinging it behind my hiney and that's when I heard my ankle pop as I landed. Sorry if that's TMI. Thankfully there was another family walking a few feet away from us and saw it all happen and they quickly came over to help. I am so thankful they were there! Their daughter got Bryson from Clay and took him to the nursery for us that way he couldn't see what was going on. I was so proud of him because he was such a big boy through all of it. He never once got upset; he just told everybody that his momma hurt her foot.

I ended up having to go to the hospital by ambulance. Can I say how completely embarrassed I was!When we got to the ER they gave me some pain medicine and listened to the baby's heartbeat. Thankfully Jaxon was okay and then they set my foot back in place. Can I say "holy moly!" I've never broken anything in my life and nothing could have prepared me for that! The ER doctor consulted with the Ortho and OB doc and their recommendation was for me to go home and contact Dr H tomorrow morning. The reason they did not do surgery right then was the risk of me having a blood clot and since I was pregnant the risk of losing alot of blood during delivery.

Putting on a brave face for the camera. My mom kept telling me this was great blogging material. Ha!

I was so thankful that my SIL Jessica took a few pictures of Bryson in his Easter outfit since I didn't get a chance. Thankfully my FIL and MIL were able to pick B up from our church and he went with them to their church and hunted Easter eggs and got to play with his cousin Owen. Nana said he had a really good time. But it broke my heart when my FIL told us that when he went to go pick B up he told them that "mommy hurt her foot, but she's going to be okay."  I can't explain to y'all how brave I thought he was today.

Since we didn't have time this morning or after church, when Clay and I got home we let Bryson open up his Easter basket. He was happy about all the things he got!

This was definately not the Easter I had planned. But I know the Lord has a plan through all of this and He knows what's in our best interest. Hope y'all had a wonderful Easter!

Jesus is risen today!!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Early Family Easter

We celebrated Easter today with the Wolford family. I actually liked getting together today. Clay and I along with his sisters have several places we have to be at on Easter, so being able to spend time with the family today without having to feel rushed was really relaxing.

My family of three - soon to be family of four!
Nana bought the boys some stickers to put on the windows. Bryson and I had so much fun with these.
The grandkids hanging out in Pawpaw and Nana's room. Pawpaw and Nana have had one grandchild every year since 2009. The babies are the most precious things and are so sweet to one another.
The two big boys getting ready to go hunt Easter eggs.
I can't believe the difference in these boys from last year to this year.
Daddy, Bryson and Pawpaw (I love this picture)
These boys love their Aunt Erica. I kinda' think they get jealous of one another when they are around her. Heaven help us all when she gets ready to have one of her own.
Opening their Easter baskets.

I can't believe I didn't get any pictures of the rest of the family. Probably because I'm 38 weeks pregnant and having a hard time getting around. Ha! And Nana was busy getting pictures on her camera that I didn't get one with her :( Sorry Nana!!

Excited about Easter tomorrow! It's one of my favorite holidays. The meaning of the day, getting to dress up (which might be just a Southern thing), the food, the family, and I love all the colors too. And I get to get out of the house and go to church tomorrow with my family. Yay!!!

Well I better wrap this up so I can watch Charlton Heston in The Ten Commandments. One of my favorite movies!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter Party @ MDO

Wednesday Bryson had his Easter party at school. He was so excited about it the night before. That's all we talked about during his bedtime that night. And I was happy that I didn't go into labor and miss it.Ha! I always hate that he might be the only child there without a parent. I'm one of those mother's that wants to be there for everything! Call me crazy, but I don't want to miss out on anything that is important (no matter how small) to him.

He loved carrying his Easter bucket :)

This was him telling me that he had eaten all his cupcake and all his chips and dip. Oh that child of mine!

And can you believe that little stinker wanted to open up another cupcake to eat. CRAZY little boy!! Is my child the only one that wants to eat awful stuff all the time?

He asked me if he could have some more chips and of course I gave in. That's probably the reason why he eats the way he does. Mommy fail!

I made the mistake of letting him keep a hold of his bucket on the way home and I can't describe to y'all what a mess he made once we got home. Won't make that mistake again. :)

I hate that I didn't get a picture of the two of us, but there will be more of those special moments to come.
Happy Friday y'all!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Before Four

Yesterday I had my weekly appointment with my MD. Unfortunately she wasn't there so I saw the on-call doctor. I haven't progressed anymore, but she said it could be tomorrow or a few weeks before Jaxon makes his arrival. I did get some encouraging news this afternoon, Dr. H's nurse called me to tell me that if I haven't gone into labor by next Friday we would be going in for an induction. YAY! I have to say I was completely caught off guard by her phone call, but I can't tell you how excited I am to get to meet our second son! I am SO ready for him to be here!!!!!

We've been doing a lot with Bryson over the last few weeks and enjoying this time with him before we become a family of four.
I finally finished Bryson's Big brother bag to take to the hospital and give to him as a gift from Jaxon. Several of my girlfriends did this and said it was a hit! I might have went a little overboard, but most of this stuff I picked up from the dollar tree.

We took a "last family of three" picture on Sunday. I can't believe we are about to add another addition. We are so excited! And cannot wait to see what this little brother is going to look like.

We made Bunny Bait last week and Bryson loved it! I'm always hesitant doing things like this him because he doesn't always cooperate or either wants to eat it all in one sitting. Ha! But he did so good and was such a great helper. I don't know if breaking the pretzel sticks or stirring was his favorite part.

The weather has been wonderful here lately and we are definitely taking advantage of it. I get excited that Bryson likes being outside. I was never one of those kids that liked being outside. I would rather be inside watching Saved by the Bell or The Mickey Mouse Club. Ha!

I broke out the bubbles and oh my what a hit those were. I really need to look into some kind of bubble machine because mama got tired after 45 minutes of blowing.

He's also been working on his golf swing :) Maybe I've got a Master's Champion on my hands!

Riding the lawn mower with daddy has become his new favorite thing. I told Clay the other day what in the world is he going to do when both of the boys want to ride? Clay found his old micro machine cars and gave them to B and he hasn't let them out of his site since. He loves putting them on the train track. I had these amazing cookies made up for the doctor's and nurses to hand out at the hospital. Ambre from Jolie Delights did the most amazing job on these cookies! They taste just as good as they look. If I don't have Jaxon soon I'm going to end up eating every one! Bryson loves walking up to Pop and Gigi's house. And can y'all see the hat? My little gangster!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

project 365: week thirteen

March 25: My mom finished the nightstand and I got to put it in Jaxon's nursery. I love how it turned out.

March 26: My crazy son wearing my old glasses and daddy's Braves hat. Crazy boy!!

March 27: He pitched a fit wanting to get into the Captain Crunch 

March 28: Trying out his new place in the car. He loved moving to his Big Brother side :)

March 29: He and I had some bonding time at Target. This face cracks me up!

March 30: Taking a water break after spending at least an hour outside with me blowing bubbles and he having all the fun catching them.

March 31: Dance party with Mickey Mouse before bedtime.

Monday, April 2, 2012

37 weeks {baby #2} and List Update

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 37 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby W is the size of a watermelon 
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 28 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Wearing maternity jeans and pants. I can wear some regular shirts still and a few maternity tops. I'm getting down to just a few things I can wear.
Gender: It's a BOY! Jaxon Clay
Movement: VERY active! Especially during the day and late at night.
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty good.
What I miss: Nothing really. Maybe just bending over! :)
Cravings: I've lost my appetite lately - but I'm still craving sweets. ha!
Symptoms: Feeling a lot more pressure since his head has been down the last few weeks. Having more and more contractions every day. And I'm starting to get terrible insomnia. 
Best Moment this week: I made it to FULL TERM! Such a praise!! Seven weeks ago we didn't know if we would make it this far. It's such a miracle!!! 

I thought I would do a list update. Since Jaxon could make his arrival any day I'm not sure I'm going to get everything on my list crossed off. And y'all know what...THAT'S OKAY! The important things right now for me are spending time with my family and enjoying these last few days as a family of three. These days will be the last that Bryson will be an only child and I don't want to consume myself with getting things done that can wait til' later.

1. Get Jaxon's nursery painted. Hopefully that will be done by this weekend!

2. Set up crib and purchase the rest of the furniture for the nursery (night stand and dresser/changing table)

3. Get the carpet cleaned in Jaxon's Nursery and our room

4. Order and purchase Jaxon's coming home outfit

5. Wash and put away all of Jaxon's clothes

6. Get the bouncy seat, swing, boppy pillow, etc down from the attic

7. Order "Thank you" gifts for the hospital

8. Get ideas for Bryson's Big Brother bag and take to the hospital

9. Set up pack-n-play in our room

10. Purchase any "baby items" we don't have; i.e. mattress, bath tub, bottles, etc

11. If possible do something fun with Bryson before Jaxon arrives (I blogged about it here)

12. Finalize plans for Bryson while we are at the hospital

13. Pack hospital bag for me, bag for Bryson, Jaxon and Clay

14. Jaxon's bedding - waiting for mom to finish the last few finishing touches

15. Register for the hospital

16. Get car seat in the car

17. Order contacts

18. If I can try and make up some freezer meals while on maternity leave. (don't know if I'm going to get to this one)

19. Organize the boys cabinet in the kitchen

20. Pick out and order Bryson's Easter outfit

21. Get paperwork completed for Bryson's MDO

22. Finish painting the changing table and nightstand

23. Order "Thank you" cards

24. Finish Bryson's 2nd year photo book (I know I'm soooo far behind)

25. Fix up Easter gifts for Bryson's class

26. Finish CEU's for work and continuing education courses.

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