Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 23 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby W is the size of a mango
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 7 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Yes!
Gender: It's a BOY!!!
Movement: He's been moving so much this last week. Mostly between 10pm to 6am. And he is quite the kicker too.
Sleep: We had a lot going on this week, so I got sleep when I could. Christmas Eve to Christmas Day was hard. I was up for over 24 hours during that time. Hope to catch up this week.
What I miss: Absolutely nothing!
Cravings: Anything salty and savory. And I've started eating a few sweet things.
Symptoms: Started getting more tired. And I've started waddeling like I'm full term. I wonder what it's going to be like when I'm actually there?
Best Moment this week: Getting to watch Bryson open presents and seeing how excited he was on Christmas morning. This is his last Christmas as an only child and for me it was a little bittersweet. But I'm so excited for what next Christmas will bring with both of the boys!!!

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