Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 20 Weeks (I'm half way there!!! YAY!!!!)
Size of baby: Baby W is the size of a banana
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 3 pound!
Maternity Clothes: Yes! Leggings!!! I love them :)
Gender: It's a BOY!!! I'll reveal the name later this week!
Movement: I finally felt the little man kick on Tuesday! He's still not much of a mover. My MD hopes he'll pick that up within the next few weeks.
Sleep: It was great this week. I was even able to slip in a few naps. Yay!!
What I miss: Nothing. This has been a really wonderful week.
Cravings: BLT sandwich and oreo's. I've had one everyday since Wednesday. Ha!
Symptoms: I had to start on a blood pressure med that is supposed to help the cramping I've been having for the last 6 weeks. It has helped, but it makes me feel awful. Very lightheaded and it takes a lot of energy out of me. I'm not sure how long I'll have to take it, but hopefully not too long.
Best Moment this week: Getting to see Baby #2 again this week and finding out he's still healthy and growing like he should! I've also picked out my fabric for the nursery and I can't wait for me and my mom to get started on it!

I can't believe we're half way there! I have so much to get done and the first 20 weeks has gone by extremely fast. I'm really excited for Clay to get finished with this semester because we'll be able to clean out the room and I'll feel like we're not so far behind.
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