A few weeks back Clay was on the computer and saw that the Carolina Panthers would be playing in Atlanta this weekend. We talked about it for a day or so and decided that it would be fun for us to go to the game and see Cam Newton play. If y'all don't already know we are BIG Auburn fans! Ha! And neither one of us have been to an NFL game before and but have always wanted to go. Of course it fell on my week to work so I had to find someone to work for me last night.
My parents were sweet enough to let Bryson spend the night with them last night

This was Bryson saying "hey" to Max and Sunday, my parents dogs. He always says hey to them when we are there.

This morning Clay and I got up early and headed over to Atlanta. I talked Clay into stopping by Hardee's to get a biscuit. I've noticed with this pregnancy just like the last one I have to eat within an hour of getting up or I start feeling sick.
The ride over was nice and it was good for Clay and I to get to spend some alone time together. We talked alot about the future, with Clay's graduation coming up in May and how this time next year we would have TWO carseats in the car. God has been so good to us! I can't put into words how thankful I am at this time in my life.

I had never been to the Georgia Dome before. My parents and Clay have been. The walk was not that bad from the car to the Dome. And the weather was perfect!
This was our view from our seats. We were on the 3rd level on the first row. It was nice not having anyone in front of us and we had plenty of leg room :) I honestly believe there is not a bad seat in the entire place. I was amazed at how well you could see the field.

Y'all know I had to get another picture of the hubs and I inside. We had such a wonderful time. I think we both realized on this short trip how much we need time just the two of us. Don't get me wrong, we miss Bryson every single minute, but with Clay in school and just the circumstances in our lives, time together is refreshing for us and our marriage.

I didn't feel like lugging my big camera to the game, so this was the best picture I could get of Cam Newton.
It wasn't his best game of the season, but it was great getting to see him play at the NFL level. We saw him last year at Auburn when they played Arkansas. One of the best games Clay and I have ever been to at Jordan Hare Stadium. And he truly is an amazing athlete.
The Falcons won 31-17.

We stopped for dinner at one of our favorite restaurants that we don't eat at very often. The closest one to us is about 30-40 minutes away. I could have eaten my weight in there salad and breadsticks tonight. So yummy!
I hope y'all had a wonderful weekend. I've got to try and catch a few hours sleep before I go into work. Thank goodness it's my last night! We have alot planned for this coming week.
Happy Sunday!
My parents were sweet enough to let Bryson spend the night with them last night
This was Bryson saying "hey" to Max and Sunday, my parents dogs. He always says hey to them when we are there.
This morning Clay and I got up early and headed over to Atlanta. I talked Clay into stopping by Hardee's to get a biscuit. I've noticed with this pregnancy just like the last one I have to eat within an hour of getting up or I start feeling sick.
The ride over was nice and it was good for Clay and I to get to spend some alone time together. We talked alot about the future, with Clay's graduation coming up in May and how this time next year we would have TWO carseats in the car. God has been so good to us! I can't put into words how thankful I am at this time in my life.
I had never been to the Georgia Dome before. My parents and Clay have been. The walk was not that bad from the car to the Dome. And the weather was perfect!
This was our view from our seats. We were on the 3rd level on the first row. It was nice not having anyone in front of us and we had plenty of leg room :) I honestly believe there is not a bad seat in the entire place. I was amazed at how well you could see the field.
Y'all know I had to get another picture of the hubs and I inside. We had such a wonderful time. I think we both realized on this short trip how much we need time just the two of us. Don't get me wrong, we miss Bryson every single minute, but with Clay in school and just the circumstances in our lives, time together is refreshing for us and our marriage.
I didn't feel like lugging my big camera to the game, so this was the best picture I could get of Cam Newton.
It wasn't his best game of the season, but it was great getting to see him play at the NFL level. We saw him last year at Auburn when they played Arkansas. One of the best games Clay and I have ever been to at Jordan Hare Stadium. And he truly is an amazing athlete.
The Falcons won 31-17.
We stopped for dinner at one of our favorite restaurants that we don't eat at very often. The closest one to us is about 30-40 minutes away. I could have eaten my weight in there salad and breadsticks tonight. So yummy!
I hope y'all had a wonderful weekend. I've got to try and catch a few hours sleep before I go into work. Thank goodness it's my last night! We have alot planned for this coming week.
Happy Sunday!
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