Monday, October 10, 2011

12 Weeks {Baby #2}

I was 12 weeks yesterday! I'm going to do my weekly posts on Mondays so I can use Sundays to recap our weekend. With Bryson I took a picture every week. It was fun to see how much I grew week by week and to document how I was feeling and what size he was! I spent some time on pinterest trying to find a cute way to document this pregnancy (honestly there wasn't alot on the topic) so I thought I would just compare my pictures from Bryson with my weekly pictures and do highlights each week!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 12 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby W is the size of a lime
Total Weight Gain/Loss: No weight gain yet (but I feel like I've gained 10) ha!
Maternity Clothes: Yes! I've had to break out the maternity jeans.
Gender: Can't wait to find out!
Movement: Not yet
Sleep: Not so much - but I think it has more to do with working night shift every other week than this pregnancy
What I miss: Nothing yet
Cravings: Mexican food, Grape or Orange Juice
Symptons: I'm still sick just about every day. Something new with this pregnancy. I got some Zofran this go round and it's getting a little better!!
Best Moment this week: Getting to hear the heartbeat!

I already feel like I'm much bigger this time. I hear that happens with the second pregnancy. And I'm loving every minute!

PS. I posted the last two weeks Fall Friday Recipes here and here. The breakfast casserole is one of my favorites!

1 comment :

  1. Hooray for being done with the first trimester!! Hope you start feeling better soon!

    You look GREAT girl!!


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