I love these gift labels. These would be cute to stick on goodie bags or any homemade gifts. Our SS class takes meals to all the new parents, these would be perfect to use for that.

Now I did order this Life Planner! I can't wait to get it. It should be here sometime this week. I hope to have all my "home organization notebook" stuff printed out and then I will be ready to blog about it :)

I've always been terrible about not writing "Thank you" cards/notes as much as I would like too. Handwritten notes are so much more personal and appreciated more than a phone call or e-mail. I thought about ordering some of these to keep on hand.

These photo trays are just adorable! Such a cute idea to use on a baby's changing table or to use in the office as an inbox. Definitely something to keep in mind for next Mother's Day.

Are any of y'all like me...never have any return address labels. I literally get writers cramp having to write out my address. Not to mention I'm not that wild about my handwritting skills. Ha! I thought these circles were cute and would be just right on the back of any envelope.
I could go on and on about all the things I love about erincondren.com! She just has some of the most cutest things. I have a $50 credit that I got from PlumDistrict.com that's burning a hole in my pocket.
Happy Tuesday! Hope y'all are having a great week so far :)
I am on pins and needles waiting for my Planner to get here! I jump up and run to the window every time I hear something that *might* be FedEx making a delivery!