Friday, August 5, 2011

Flashback Friday

I have done several of these posts over the last few weeks. It's so fun to look back on the exact day one year ago and remember what he looked like and what he was doing. It really makes me cherish these days that I have with him.

Bryson was just a few weeks shy of 14 months in these pictures. I had to post all of them. I couldn't pick just one. I remember this day like it was yesterday. I had just gotten home from work and Clay and Bryson were already up. So he and I got to walking around the kitchen. He wanted to do several laps :)

This all lead up to him walking on the day he turned 14 months. Now he's into everything and running everywhere instead of walking. I can't believe what a difference a year makes!


  1. Flash Back Friday is such a great idea!!!
    Looking back on pictures of B is still a little bittersweet. She's growing too fast and I'm sure you know exactly what I mean!

  2. nice blog itis, mayur child have a long life. god bless ur baby


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