Ladies I have to tell y'all that I'm really getting into Clay being off during the summer. This is the first summer he's been off since he started back to school in 2007. He graduates next May and then we hope he'll have a job waiting for him starting in August (he's getting a degree teaching Physical Education). It's been such a joy having him at home. Especially on the weeks that I work. And I know Bryson LOVES spending time with him too.
Thought I would share a few pics of Bryson and Elaina. Y'all know I made sure to tell Clay to take lots of pictures so I could blog about it later. Ha!

I just had to post this picture. Clay said he didn't think they were holding hands, but I will confess that it wouldn't bother me if he did. Ha! These two sweet babies have always played so well together and I hope they grow up to be life long friends.

Enjoying lunch at CFA. I think this is the best fast food place to take your kids. And from the looks on these faces they would agree!
This evening we met up with The Allison's and had dinner at The Armstrong's house. I love that our friends are so close by and that we can get together at the last minute. We let the kids play and have a such a good time! It's so nice to get together with other adults and have adult conversation :)
Kristie made a wonderful dinner. I will definitely be using her pork loin and homemade macaroni and cheese recipe. They were delicious!!

Bryson was in awe of Jack's toys. I think there was one point tonight where Bryson tried to get in Jack's walker. child can be such a ham sometimes!

Of course the boys stayed outside doing "boy things." Throwing the football and talking about who knows what. I'm so glad Clay has such wonderful Christian friends he can hang out with and talk too. I honestly believe guys need their time just as much as we girls need our time.
Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend. I'm working on a Home Organization Notebook that I saw over at Blue-Eyed Bride. I've really stuggled in this area of my life and she has inspired me to "get organized."
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