Friday I woke up early for an eye appointment. It didn't turn out quite like I planned. My intention was to go and have my yearly exam and order contacts. Well my right eye changed 5 steps in just a year so I had to get new lenses for my glasses on top of the contacts. Ugh!!! I despise having terrible vision.
I was at the doctor longer than I planned so we didn't get to take Bryson to the splash pad. I just found out about our town having one and we haven't been able to take him all summer. Makes me feel like a bad mother. How in the world could I NOT KNOW that we had a splash pad? But I am thankful that our parents have pools for Bryson to play in :) We ended up taking him to our favorite fast food place...Chick-fil-A!
This next picture you might be able to see very well...
On Saturday we took Bryson to the movies. Clay has been wanting to take him to the movies all summer. It was one of the things on his list to do this summer since he was out of school. Cars was still showing at the theater so we thought that one would be a good one to take him too.
He made it through a little over an hour of the movie which I thought was good for a little boy his age. I am so thankful that we get to make these special memories. Even though we had a small meltdown towards the end, I will not forget the look on his face when me noticed Mater and the other cars!
Church was wonderful this morning. From the music to the guest pastor Kevin Ezell, president of the North American Mission Board. His sermon was great! He spoke on the legacy we would leave and asked us what would people say about us when we were gone? Very convicting and has had me thinking a lot today. Everything I own, every opportunity I have is a gift from God. During this season of my life I want to be in the place that God wants me to be in. I long to be in His will. We are not guaranteed tomorrow. I want my life to count for something and that when I see my Lord's face one day He will tell me "well done my daughter."
Our SS class has a supper club every two months where groups of us get together at different houses. We've been doing this since the beginning of the year and it has been a lot of fun! Today was our get turn with The Hosmer's. I just love this family.
I hate having to go back to work after having a weekend like this.
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