I did however skip over Redeeming Love which is what I intended to read for the month of April. That book was just entirely too long and with everything that happened here in Alabama during that time, reading was kinda' put on the back burner. I think Redeeming Love will be one I read on the way to the beach in the next few months.
Emily Giffin did NOT disappoint! And I have to say that the movie was pretty much in line with the book, which I love!

I think I ended up finishing this book within a week, which is saying a lot for me! But it was one I couldn't put down. I forgot how much I loved Emily's books. I think I might have to put Heart of the Matter somewhere in the mix. I hear it's pretty good too.
Have any of y'all read Emily Giffin's books and which ones did you enjoy?
Hope y'all are having a wonderful Monday :)
and finally i returned my something borrowed :)