This was not quite the Father's Day I had planned for Clay. For some crazy reason and out of the blue, Bryson woke up with a 102 fever this morning, but no other symptoms. Of course church was out of the question and so was getting together with our families.

This was pretty much how we spent our day. In the bed, with Bryson watching movies and me watching the U.S. Open. I'm a closet golf fan for those of you that don't know me personally.
Clay was able to go over and visit with his dad for a few hours which I was happy about.

This was Clay's father's day gift. I got them while they were on sale at
Snapfish during Memorial Day weekend. I thought they turned out soo cute and Clay was really surprised! I got him one for the house and the other to take to work (which by the way we are in his last year of school! YEAH!!!)

And I just had to put this picture on here. Bryson made this at school. I don't know if you can read what it says, but it had me in tears. I thought it was really sweet. And of course Clay loved it!

So in a nut shell that was our Father's Day. No exactly like I planned, but somethings never are :)
Happy Father's Day to my dad and stepdad! I love you both very much.

Kids always have there own plans:) Happy Father's Day to Clay!