I can't believe in just 30 short days my baby will be TWO! I can't begin to tell ya'll how fast this year has gone by.
You weigh around 30 pounds
You wear a size 2T and just a few 24month
You are in a size 7 shoe
Just in the last few weeks I've noticed how much older you are getting.
You have always been a talker. But now you are starting to talk more in sentences which makes it easier to communicate.
You are still throwing lots of tantrums. Makes me think we are still not over the terrible two's.
You have started saying "Please" and "Thank You" on a regular basis. Next I want to start on adding the "Ma'am" and "Sir".
Your answer for everything is "NO!" I guess I need to work on "Yes" before I work on anything else.
You have started using a napkin at the table without me or daddy even teaching you. I guess you really do pay attention to us even when we don't even realize. It's the cutest thing to watch you wipe your hands and mouth.
Your favorite thing to do besides playing outside is coloring. When you ask to color you will say "Elmo color mama, Elmo color." And repeat it over and over.
I love you my sweet, sweet baby boy!