The last day of 2011 has been just like any other day in our house. We had cinnamon rolls for breakfast (thank you Pillsbury!) and watched Toy Story 3 then Toy Story 2. Those movies are on constantly at our house these days. Bryson played with this toys and found a new phrase "ur get-ting on my nerbes!" Y'all Clay and I busted out laughing when he said that. I don't think we've laughed that hard in a while.

Usually a new year brings new years resolutions for a lot of people. Over the years I've tried to make a few resolutions and do my best throughout the year to hold true to them. I don't always succeed.
This year I've decided I'm not going to make any goals for 2012. I realize that I'll be entering my third trimester, have two babies under 3 and learning how to parent TWO children all in this new year.
I can't imagine adding on trying to lose weight or making organization goals for the house. This year I just want to sit back and enjoy this journey we are about to experience. Time has flown by with Bryson and I want to TRY and remember every moment with our two boys.

I hope to learn a lot about myself this year. I have a severe Type A personality and sometimes that can be a fault as a mother of young children. My boys don't have to match every day. If they aren't dressed up every day that will be fine. My house doesn't have to look like something out of a Southern Living magazine and if I don't get out of my pj's for a day, that's okay too. This year I just want to slow down!
My first priority is to be a wife to my husband and a mother to my children. Serving them and meeting their needs comes before anything else. These are the days to make life count. We have no idea when our last day here on earth will come to an end and I want to leave an impact on my husband and children. I want them to know I did the very best I could. That they were what was most important in my life.

What goals are you making for 2012? I know these are going to be some of the BEST days of our lives and I want to live in the moment. Very soon our boys will be grown, asking to drive the car and going out on dates! Oh my, am I going to be ready for when that day comes? That will be the time I can make my new years resolutions.
Happy New Year!!!!!
Usually a new year brings new years resolutions for a lot of people. Over the years I've tried to make a few resolutions and do my best throughout the year to hold true to them. I don't always succeed.
This year I've decided I'm not going to make any goals for 2012. I realize that I'll be entering my third trimester, have two babies under 3 and learning how to parent TWO children all in this new year.
I can't imagine adding on trying to lose weight or making organization goals for the house. This year I just want to sit back and enjoy this journey we are about to experience. Time has flown by with Bryson and I want to TRY and remember every moment with our two boys.
I hope to learn a lot about myself this year. I have a severe Type A personality and sometimes that can be a fault as a mother of young children. My boys don't have to match every day. If they aren't dressed up every day that will be fine. My house doesn't have to look like something out of a Southern Living magazine and if I don't get out of my pj's for a day, that's okay too. This year I just want to slow down!
My first priority is to be a wife to my husband and a mother to my children. Serving them and meeting their needs comes before anything else. These are the days to make life count. We have no idea when our last day here on earth will come to an end and I want to leave an impact on my husband and children. I want them to know I did the very best I could. That they were what was most important in my life.
What goals are you making for 2012? I know these are going to be some of the BEST days of our lives and I want to live in the moment. Very soon our boys will be grown, asking to drive the car and going out on dates! Oh my, am I going to be ready for when that day comes? That will be the time I can make my new years resolutions.
Happy New Year!!!!!