Today you will be one year old at 11:58am. The day you were born was one of the happiest times for me and your daddy. That was the day I became a mommy, something I wasn't sure I would ever get the chance to be. And since that day, God has poured out so many blessings on our family. You have brought so much joy and laughter to mine and your daddy's lives. There are still days when I have to pinch myself because I still can't believe you are here and you are mine.
I never would have imagined I could love my child so much. There is nothing in this world that I wouldn't do for you. You are the sweetest, most handsome little boy I have ever laid my eyes on. You will never understand how much your daddy and I love you!

Today you will be one year old at 11:58am. The day you were born was one of the happiest times for me and your daddy. That was the day I became a mommy, something I wasn't sure I would ever get the chance to be. And since that day, God has poured out so many blessings on our family. You have brought so much joy and laughter to mine and your daddy's lives. There are still days when I have to pinch myself because I still can't believe you are here and you are mine.
I never would have imagined I could love my child so much. There is nothing in this world that I wouldn't do for you. You are the sweetest, most handsome little boy I have ever laid my eyes on. You will never understand how much your daddy and I love you!
So what have you been up to at one year???
You weigh around 24 pounds. You're the chubbiest thing! I'll find out your exact measurements today for your one year checkup.
You are in size 12-18 month clothes. Size 4 diapers.
You can eat like a grown man. You love just about everything we put in front of you. The only thing you haven't been crazy about is hamburger meat. You make this funny face and then spit it out.
You have started pulling up and taking a few steps. I know it won't be too long and you'll be all over the house.
You can say a few words, but you mostly just babble alot. The words you can say are "da-da", "bye-bye" and "uce" (which is juice).
You can wave bye-bye and have just started clapping and putting your hands on your head when we say "uh-oh." You will give kisses when we say "Bryson, give me love." It's the cutest thing! You open your mouth and lean forward. So adorable!!!
You are still taking 2 naps a day. One in the morning and one in the afternoon.
Love the latest update and the new photos! I must say that having seen You and Clay with your Boy - one day he will definitely know how much you both love him! He won't be able to help but knowing:) Thanks again for everything last week and be sure a give Bryson a big hug and kiss and Happy Birthday wishes from Granddaddy and Amy! We Love Y'all
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Sweet Bryson!!