Yesterday we had Bryson's One Year checkup. I can't believe I scheduled that babies visit on his birthday. What was I thinking? But he did so good up until his shots. Ugh...I felt so bad. He had the biggest crocodile tears you've ever seen.
Our doctor said Bryson is doing great. NO MORE FORMULA!!! That was music to my ears! And our grocery bill has now just been cut in half. She also told us that we needed to take his walker away. That kinda' makes me sad :( I love watching him in his walker and he has so much fun in it. He gets so excited running all over the house. But I understand her point that she's afraid he will associate walking with sitting down. Still I hate to take it away from him.

His official weight is 23pounds and 8ounces. Chubby little man!!! Which is just above the 50th percentile. And he is 29 1/2 inches long which puts him 1/2 inch shy of the 50th percentile. My husband was somewhat disappointed in his height, but I had to remind him again for the 5th time that the doctor said you cannot determine a child's height until the age of 2. I'm not to worried about it. Short or tall I'll love him the same!

After our doctor's visit we took a trip to Target and purchased Bryson a new car seat. I didn't realize until today that the other seat we got at our shower was a Kids Booster Seat and doesn't fit children less than 30pounds. I decided on the Evenflo. That was the brand we had for Bryson's infant seat and the price wasn't too bad either. I don't like purchasing things without reading reviews, but so far the reviews I've read have been pretty good.

We took Bryson to Logan's for dinner. Clay and I eat at Logan's every now and then. They have the 2 meals for $14.99 Monday-Wednesday and the menu you get to choose from isn't that bad. Today we saw their special 3 course meal for 2 for $19.99. Clay and I both ordered the small sirloin and Bryson got to chow down on Mac-n-Cheese and Mashed Potatoes. And he probably had 1 to many rolls!

Ya'll I don't think we're going to have any problems getting him started on whole milk. He guzzled it down like he was going to the electric chair.
Our next appointment is at 15 months. I can't wait to see how he has changed by then. Maybe he'll be walking on his own :)

Hi there!
ReplyDeleteI just came across your blog! What a cute little man you have. :) I remember my daughter's 1-year visit...she was in the 90th percentile for both height and weight! And I've heard the theory that if you determine a 2-year old's height, that will be how tall they are. Well, Ella will be taller than me. :(
I'm now experiencing the journey you went through. Even though it's secondary infertility, it's infertility nevertheless, and I'm coming up on 2 years of TTC.
I'm going to follow your blog and I'd love it if you'd check out my blog...www.thejohnsonsjourney.com. :)
ReplyDeleteLove the new post and photos. Sorry to hear about the walker! I sure did love watching y'all chase him around the room and seeing (and hearing) how much he enjoyed "running away". As strong as his little legs are, I'm guessing it won't be long before he's walking on his own. Wanted to let you know I sent all the pictures and you should have them Monday or Tuesday at the latest. Say hi to Clay and hugs and kisses to Bryson. Love You All. Dad
You look great in that photo! Glad to hear all is going well!