We had Bryson's party this afternoon and oh my did we have alot of fun!!! There were about 40 adults and kids that came so the church fellowship hall was pretty full. The pictures I took were not the best (I did have to cater to the birthday boy), so I hope to get copies of my mom and dad's soon.
Here's the birthday boy! I don't think he really knew what was going on, but ya'll he had the best time!

I thought the cake table turned out so cute. And doesn't the banner match just perfect?

A friend from work told me about this cute idea for the table cloth. Each year for her son's birthday see would paint the theme of the party and then put his hand prints on it. I just had to steal that idea!! I'm going to tell ya'll that trying to do hand prints on a one year old is a little bit of a job. But it I thought it looked amazing!!

The strawberry cake was wonderful! Jan @
Dreamcakes did the best job! It turned out so cute! I will definitely use them again.

Bryson's smash cake was adorable! He had alot of fun with it as you'll see...

Our family - the three of us had the best time. I can't believe a year has gone by already. It seems like yesterday I was getting a call from my doctor saying we were going to have him a day early and how excited and nervous we were. I never would have dreamed God would have blessed us this much!!

This was just the start of his smashing of the cake.

I was so glad that
Mary was able to come. I had to have her expertise on cutting cake. That is something this girl has never had to do. Don't know what I would have done without her today.

Bryson has been doing this new thing putting his hands on his head...

He was having THE BEST time!!! He was loving being the center of attention!

This was the final picture with his cake. Cleaning that boy up was a chore. My brother came up with the cutest idea of having his bib framed. He said it would look like a piece of art. So I think I'll be looking at Hobby Lobby in the next few weeks to see what kind of frame I can find.

I couldn't believe my grandparents were able to come. When I saw them in the car with my parents I started tearing up. I didn't think they would be able to make it. I was so glad that were there.

That's one proud Mimi!

Bryson loves his Nana and PawPaw!

My dad and stepmom were loving being able to spend alot of time with Bryson this week.

We love Uncle Tommy and Aunt Michele! Cannot wait til they make their baby announcement :)

Since little Owen is still little bitty, they had people take turns watching him so Aunt Jessica and Uncle Charlie could come celebrate in the festivities. We stopped by their house on our way home so we could get a picture!!

Bryson was loving Aunt Erica's bling! I was so glad that the Future Uncle Seth was able to come down for the party.

Clay's grandparents really enjoyed themselves. I think Grandma was freaking out with all that icing in Bryson's hair!!

Two of my Aunts drove all the way from Texas for Bryson's party. It was great getting to see them and I hated that they could only stay for a day.

Our friend's Katie and Shawn are so much fun! We were finally able to get a picture with Bryson smiling while Shawn was holding him. I think Bryson is a little fearful of all the facial hair. We love you though Uncle Shawn!!!

Our friends from church Jonathan and Kristie. You can't tell but Kristie is pregnant with the future little Mr. A. Doesn't she look great? I can't wait to meet that little man!!!

Boy did we have a time getting Bryson and Barrett's picture made. Trying to get 4 boys to look at the camera together is not that easy. Ha! I hate that I didn't get a picture with Barrett's mom Maggie.

Bryson had so much fun playing with all the balloons.

It looks like Santa threw up in our house. LOL! We couldn't believe all the stuff he got. It was WAY TO MUCH!!! But I know he'll enjoy himself for quite a while.
I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. We have made so many memories in just one short year. God has really blessed Clay and I this last year with a healthy, happy, baby boy! I couldn't have asked for anything better. He's been our heart and we love him so much!!!