It has rained the last few days here so the temperature was not nearly as hot as it has been, so no pool for this little baby today! I really hated that he couldn't get in the pool. He has the cutest bathing suits (yes that plural...he has 3) and I even went by Wal-Mart and got him his first beach towel. I can't wait for him to get in the pool for the first time. He loves the bath tub, so I'm hoping he'll LOVE the pool too.
Clay's aunt and uncle were nice enough to invite us over for dinner at their new house. I've been dying to see it and OMGoodness the kitchen in that house is amazing!! There is even a couch in there. A couch in the kitchen!!! I hope to have a kitchen that big in our next house.
Bryson had a few bites of BBQ, green beans, coleslaw, and potato salad. He loved it!!! Did y'all expect me to tell you any different? He even had banana pudding for dessert. Y'all he's a bottomless pit!!! I don't know what I'm going to do when he gets older. I have a feeling he's going to eat me out of house and home.
My two boys!
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