Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lights Camera Action...

This little mama got her a camera today!!! Well actually I ordered this camera today. My dad and I have been talking about getting me a camera for some time now and since he was visiting this week we went shopping today. I found the Canon Digital Rebel XSi (the one I've had my I on for months) at Best Buy and the only one they had was the display. They were willing to give me a pretty good deal since it didn't have any of the accessories, but we found a better deal on

Y'all I cannot wait to get ahold of this baby! I am beyond excited!!!

Well I just wanted to share my excitement. I am about to watch the season finale of Grey's Anatomy. My sister-in-law says it's amazing!!!

1 comment :

  1. Jennifer that is the camera i have. I think i told u about the zoom....get one later on for sports, dance recitals, etc... it takes great pictures...had to get used to not having the screen to look at when taking a pic though!!Bryson is soooo precious!!! Mary Kate Just LOVES looking at his pictures!! She said i have not got to see him in a long time!!! We have got to fix that cuz neither have i!!!!



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