What are you up to these days?
- You weigh close to 19lbs
- You are in size 3 diapers
- You wear size 6-9 month clothes. You are growing out of your footy pajama's more than anything else...You are just getting so long
- You have been in your own room in your crib for about the last month. You are doing great...you usually sleep for about 12 hours...every now and then you'll wake up for about 30-45 minutes, but you are pretty easy to get back to sleep.
- You LOVE your passy...Don't know what we would do without it!
- You can say "dada" pretty good...not sure if you know what it means yet? Every time you talk you say "dada" so I don't think you've put it together quite yet!
- You don't nap near as much as you use too. Now days your morning naps last about 30 minutes to an hour...but in the afternoon it's more like 1-2 hours.
- You are a GREAT eater!! You eat 2 solid meals a day and take 2 bottles. You LOVE oatmeal with bananas - we have that every morning for breakfast. You have eaten carrots, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, applesauce, peaches, and sweet peas. Your favorite is the carrots.
- You carry your blankie everywhere we go. It's one of those things that if we left it we'd be in big trouble. You sleep with it every night and during your naps.
- You are getting better sitting up on your own - and when you're on your tummy you are trying so hard to crawl around. I wonder if you'll be crawling by the time I write your 8 month post?
- You smile ALL the time - and we love to hear you laugh. It's the cutest thing in the whole world. You're such a HAPPY baby.
- You are obsessed with anything that lights up...your eyes get so big and you'll kick your legs and scream at the top of your lungs.
- You are CONSTANTLY babbling or making noises. You are not the quiet child...much like your mommy. You have a bubbly little personality and can always make us laugh - just like your daddy does.
- We love to hear you wake up in the morning over the monitor. You always wake up in such a good mood. You start out kicking your legs and talking to yourself and then you'll get really loud and say "Hey There!" and "Dadadadadada." I doubt your saying "Hey There" - but it sure sounds like it to us. And when we come in your room of course you are very excited to see us.
- I can't tell you enough how much I love you - and how much JOY you have been to my life!
LOVE that sweet grin!! And his eyes are getting prettier and prettier :)