Wednesday, February 3, 2010

National Signing Day

Can you guess what my boys are up too today???

It's National Signing Day for High School football players and my two boys have been vegging out in front of the TV all day.

Down here in the South we LOVE our college football. Especially in the state of Alabama! Auburn and Alabama football is what we live for during the Fall Season. All the women will dress up in their orange and blue or crimson and houndstooth. And when I say dress up I literally mean we wear dresses to the games and sometimes you might find a few of us in high heels too! We tailgate all day and all night. When we can't make it to the games, around our house you're likely to find lots of orange and blue, an Auburn flag flying out on the front deck and two TV's set up in the living room hanging out with some of our closest friends. We will grill out on the back deck and spend lots of time watching some great games throughout the season. Can't you tell we love Saturdays?

Auburn is doing really well this year for their upcoming recruiting classes. I think this is the first time in several years that we have had a top five recruiting class. Clay has always enjoyed watching National Signing day each year. Last year he had class, so you know it got recorded on the DVR!! But this year it was special. This year Clay was able to somewhat have Bryson hang out with him and watch it together...Bryson would every now and then glance over at the TV from his exersaucer. I'm sure when he gets a little older he will appreciate AU football as much as his daddy does.

A BIG congrats to all the SEC schools. I think they have outdone themselves again this year. Out of the top 15 there were 6 SEC schools ranked... and 3 are in the top 5. Looks like this could be another big year for the SEC!!!


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