Tuesday, October 1, 2013

31 days of {10 minute captures} - Day 1

Over the last few weeks Jaxon has really gotten into looking at books and asking me or his daddy to read to him. Which thrills my heart so, since I love reading! I have to be honest and tell y'all that I didn't read to Jaxon a lot when he was itty bitty like I did with Bryson. And over the last several months it's crossed my mind if he would ever be interested in books at all. So when he looked at me one night while I was rocking him and pointed over at his books on his night stand and said "buk" my heart melted and almost every night since then we read a book or two or three before bed.

Two of his favorites right now:

1 comment :

  1. This is a wonderful idea for 31 days! I am hoping to complete one this year too.
    I can't wait to see all the things you capture this month.


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