Deciding on costumes this year was a little tricky. At first Bryson wanted to be Sulley from Monster's Inc. but I could never find a costume that I really liked, so his second choice was Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates. After we settled on Bryson's costume I was looking forward to finding a parrot costume for Jaxon; then I remembered that we had a lion costume Bryson wore when he was Jaxon's age and it was just too adorable to pass up. So the queen of always wanting my kids to dress alike or coordinate in some way took a Jake and a lion out trick-or-treating.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
31 days of {10 minute captures} - Day 31
It's Halloween! We had a FUN night trick-or-treating with the boys. Since it was supposed to rain (which it did not long after we shutter down for the night) we decided to hit up just a few houses.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013
31 days of {10 minute captures} - day 30
Bryson had his Pumpkin Party today at school. He was so excited when I told him that he was going to be able to dress up in Jake costume. (more about that tomorrow!) I have been so blessed to be able to make just about all of Bryson's school parties. And it warms my mama heart when he sees me and waves uncontrollably and yells out "hey mama!" Nothing in the world like it!
All the little boys and girls costumes were adorable. And I'm pretty sure every girl in his class was dressed up like a princess. And most every boy was a super hero.

All the little boys and girls costumes were adorable. And I'm pretty sure every girl in his class was dressed up like a princess. And most every boy was a super hero.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
31 days of {10 minute captures} - day 29
Better late than never seems like my motto these days. We finally carved our pumpkins we got from the pumpkin patch last week. And lets just say that completing this task with little ones should be outlawed. Adults only please!!! Ha! But you know me always trying to make some memories. :)
Seriously though, it was fun! The boys had a good time and Clay and I laughed A LOT! Please don't make fun of our designs. They are lacking! What can I say....Rookies!!!

Seriously though, it was fun! The boys had a good time and Clay and I laughed A LOT! Please don't make fun of our designs. They are lacking! What can I say....Rookies!!!
Monday, October 28, 2013
31 days of {10 minute captures} - day 28
I wish I could bottle up Jaxon's voice. It's so hard for me to remember what Bryson sounded like at this age. And that makes me sad. But thank goodness for iPhones that can capture a quick conversation that I'll always be able to go back and listen to when he's 15 telling me to get a life or stay out of his room.

Sunday, October 27, 2013
31 days of {10 minute captures} - day 27
Today I'm sharing just this one picture. It might not be much to any of you, but this picture says so much to me. I sat outside Bryson's door tonight just watching a listening. Watching him as he held on to every word his daddy was telling him. Listening to him ask Clay questions that only a daddy could answer. Nothing but sweet moments. These are what my 10 minute captures have been all about.

Saturday, October 26, 2013
31 days of {10 minute captures} - day 26
This is how most of my pictures turn out these days. Only if I bribe the boys with something to make them sit still will I ever get a good picture.
The boys favorite thing to do right now is chase each other around the house. They make a circle from the kitchen to the living room. And they'll go around and around and around. They giggle and laugh at each other. Bryson is always asking his daddy to run too.
Life as a boy mom!

The boys favorite thing to do right now is chase each other around the house. They make a circle from the kitchen to the living room. And they'll go around and around and around. They giggle and laugh at each other. Bryson is always asking his daddy to run too.
Life as a boy mom!
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