Saturday, August 31, 2013

are you ready for some football....

I can't believe it's that time of year again! College football season baby!! Everything about this time of year has me doing the happy dance. Ha!

photo courtesy of

Hoping this season is a little better for my Auburn Tigers!
We have a new coach and new quarterback. Excited for what the season brings!!!

Bryson and daddy say....

War Eagle!!!

And beat the Cougars!!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Gulf Shores 2013

I was ecstatic when it came to planning our beach trip this year! Last year was the first year we had not been since Bryson was a year old and Clay and I were really looking forward to this years trip.

We always stay in Gulf Shores, AL. That's where we both grew up vacationing with our families. It's familiar and very family friendly. And of course it has some GREAT places to eat! We stayed at The Lighthouse again this year. We really enjoy staying there. They have 2 pools and one has a zero entry which Bryson loves!!

This year is one I will never forget. We made some incrediable memories that I will cherish forever. :) And I know each year will just get better and better. We let Bryson stay up late and even miss a few naps. Ha! We watched movies and took walks on the beach at night. It was really a wonderful vacation!!

Bryson was in love with the beach. The first day we got out there he plopped right in the sand and started playing with his sand toys. I couldn't believe it. Two years ago he wasn't a big fan of the sand or the ocean. It was amazing to see the difference a couple of years makes. We went "crabbin'" one night and oh my goodness what a memory that will be to remember. I think his favorite thing to do was looking for seashells or what he liked to call "seashellin'" :)
Jaxon did surprisingly well. I laid some blankets down under the tent and he played, watched movies, snacked, and took a few naps. I think as long as he was snacking he was good! He wasn't to fond of walking on the beach. But he liked it when Clay or I would take him out in the ocean. I know in the years to come he will enjoy it more.
We took the boys out on the pier our last night. Bryson loved seeing the fish all the people were catching. As long as I've been going to Gulf Shores I don't think I've ever gone out on the pier. I think it will be fun to take the boys out there when their a bit older and let them fish.

We got to eat out at several of our favorite places. It's always a staple for us to eat out for breakfast one day and several nights during the week. I'm not into cooking while I'm on vacation. :)

I hated packing up and coming back home. When you're on vacation you seem to forget about the chaos of the everyday life. Or at least I do. Worries seem to fade away and you seem to just enjoy the simple things.  

This was a vacation that will go down in the books as one of my favorites to date. I had no idea we would have such a great time as a family. I remember telling myself to "be in the moment" and not to worry about capturing each memory in pictures.  
I can only imagine what the years to come will look like. It gets me excited and looking forward to planning future vacations.  

Until next year....

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Scripture Writing and Prayer Walk


Tonight at our church we had a scripture writing and prayer walk for the Kidz Kingdom building that will be completed in November. For the last 3 years the children's ministry has been housed at our old campus. I'm not going to lie, it's been a hassle at times having to drop the boys off at one place and hurry and get to Sunday School on time at our new location. So I am really excited about this building being completed!

We got to see where Bryson and Jaxon's rooms would be.

Bryson was so excited about his "new church!" We've been telling him for quite some time about how he's going to get to go to the big church soon and how we'll all be at church in the same place. Everytime we pass the church on the interstate he loves to point out that that is "his" church! :)
Clay helped Bryson write his name on the floor of the worship center that kids will be in.

I get so emotional looking at this picture. I am so blessed to be a part of a church that puts so much time into their children's ministry. They are our future and it's our job as parents and the church to raise them up to represent Christ and to share His love to others. My prayer for my boys is that they love Christ with all their heart and do a mighty work for the Kingdom of God.

Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger. Psalm 8:2

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

I thought it would be fun to let the boys get a picture in their soon to be new Sunday School classrooms. I prayed a silent prayer while we were in each room. I know they are going to grow and learn so much during these years!
I'm so glad the boys got to take part in this dedication. It's something that was really special to me. And something I know Bryson will remember for a long time.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

1st Day of Preschool

I didn't realize how difficult today was going to be. I had been dreading this day for weeks. I think sending off your child for his/her first day of school is hard for any mama! I honestly can't find the words to say today. I found this poem the other day and I thought it was perfect...
A Mother's 1st Day of School Prayer
I wonder what you’re doing now,
And if everyone is treating you kind.
I hope there is a special person,
A nice friend that you can find.
I wonder if the teacher knows,
Just how special you are to me.
And if the brightness of your heart
Is something she can see.
I wonder if you are thinking about me,
And if you need a hug.
I already miss the sound of your voice
And how you give my leg a tug.
I wonder if you could possibly understand
How hard it is for me to let you grow.
On this day know that my heart breaks
For this is the first step in letting you go.
(source: via pinterest)
     Today was a hard day for me. It made me realize that I cannot stop you from growing up as much as I would love to put a brick on your head and freeze time. But when I asked you this morning on our way to school if you were scared or nervous you looked at me so confidently and said "no mama!" I knew right then you were going to be okay. I'm not going to lie, I kinda' did an ugly cry after dropping you off. I think it was more for me though. I'm really going to miss you being at home those extra two days. But I know you are going to learn so much and make lots of new friends. I'm already so proud of you sweet boy! God has big plans for you!!!
~ i love you to infinity and beyond ~ Mama 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Offical Last Day of Summer

Today is the last official day of summer for the Wolf house. Bryson starts school in the morning (insert frowny face)! And we get back into that crazy routine that comes with this time of year. But with all the chaos that this season of my life entails, I love every minute of it!!! I am SO BLESSED!

I did a little video montage of our summer in pictures using this cool app flipagram. I haven't been very good with keeping up my blog this year. So I thought this would be the best way to highlight our summer of 2013.  

Saturday, August 10, 2013

jaxon {16 months}

jaxon clay~

How in the world are you 16 months? You are becoming a little boy a lot faster than I would like you too.

You've been a world traveler this month. you've went to Texas back in early July and just last week you went on your first beach trip.

You were a Rock Star on our beach trip! you played in the sand, got in the ocean, took naps under the tent. You did amazing! Your daddy and I couldn't believe how good you were the entire trip.

Still only pulling up and taking a few steps here and there. I'm ready for you to start walking, but in some ways I'm not. For me it just means you are making your way through another milestone and getting closer to toddler hood, which I am NOT ready for.

You love the camera! You are always saying cheese.

You are still a great eater! Food is your love language. Ha! Right now you love any kind of fruit. A little man after my own heart. :)

You are saying more words each day. You can name all of your grandparents. Your favorite word is bubba and eat.

You are on the go all the time. You never sit down. You love following behind your brother or me or daddy. You are a busy little bee.

It's bittersweet watching you grow up. Knowing you are my last baby I've tried harder to cherish every day I have with you. You are my sweet angel!

~we love you to the moon and back~ mama, daddy, and bubba

Monday, August 5, 2013

because what if I forget?

Never in a million years would I have dreamed this little boy of mine who made me a mama would be old enough to ride a scooter. I mean for crying out loud, SLOW THE HECK DOWN!!! He's growing up WAY TOO FAST!!! Much faster than he should be if you ask me.

I find myself these days trying to take in every single second of his life because I know in the blink of an eye these will all be just memories. I carry my camera every where I go because I'm so afraid I'm going to miss something.

See over the last 7 years I've slowly watched Alzheimer's take the memories from my grandfather. And for a girl who's grandparents' home was her home away from home it breaks my heart to see him not remember the people he loves or the memories we shared.

Watching my him over the last several years has opened my eyes to the possibility that being "in the moment" might be all I have. There might come a time in my old age where I don't remember any of this. And that reality scares me to death!      

As a parent you pour your heart and soul into your kids. You love them with a love that is indescribable. They are our entire world for a good portion of our lives. They teach us to be better individuals, to show ourselves grace, to love with every inch of who you are.

I don't want to forget!

But that's out of my control. Alzheimer's is a disease that doesn't discriminate. And so I'll be that crazy mama who carries her camera around everywhere she goes. I'll be the mama cheering her lungs out for my boys at every game.

Because I want to be in the moment, because that moment might be all I have.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

bedtime prayers

Bryson has been saying his bedtime prayers for several years now. We started out with "Now I lay me down to sleep" and for I guess about a year he's been adding on to his prayers.

I wanted to document this because I know the day will come when I wish I could remember that sweet voice of his saying his prayers. I would give anything if I could get it on video, but sometimes I think those things are better left in my memory and not displayed on video for everyone to see.

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
If I should die before I wake
I pray the Lord my soul to take. Amen

Dear Lord,
Thank you for all my blessings. 
Bless those who are less fortunate.
Bless the kids who don't have toys. 
Thank you for my family.
Thank you for mama and daddy and brother and Bryson. 
Thank you for my friends. Amen.   

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