Thursday, May 16, 2013

jaxon {13 months}


On May 9th, you turned 13 months old. I can't believe a whole month has passed since we celebrated your 1st birthday and it seems like you've changed so much in just a short month! You are still just as sweet as ever. You are on the go more than you've ever been. You crawl around the house so fast it's hard for us to keep up with you and try and get stuff done around the house.  

You haven't showed too much interest in walking. I think it's because you get around so fast crawling. I get asked a lot when will you start walking and my answer is always "when he gets ready!" I'm not too worried about it. I know when the time is right you will get up and go!

You love to give kisses! And you will always make the "MuWah" sound afterwards!

You still love to eat. You've tried so many different things. I'm hoping this is something that doesn't change. I'm not sure if I could handle two picky eaters. :) Your love any type of fruit! That's the first thing your hands grab when you start eating.

You aren't one to sit in your highchair for a long time. Once you're finished with your meal your ready to get down and start playing. Probably because you watch your brother get up and down from the table (which is something we need to work on with him) and you LOVE being by his side every second you're awake.

You absolutely love everyone. At church, especially Mrs. Amy loves getting to take care of you. When we go and pick you up from the nursery you are usually sitting in the floor playing and we can hear you talking from a mile away. Just the other day, Mrs. Amanda from MDO wanted to know when you would be taking big brother's spot. It makes my mama heart happy that so many people love you!

You went on your very first wagon ride around the neighborhood. Of course you loved it! You had your teething necklace and one of your brother's cars along for the ride. I'm sure that will be the first of many wagon rides this summer.

You also went to the zoo for the first time. We went with some of our friends. I thought you would nap for most of the time since it was around your nap time, but you stayed awake the entire time. I'm not sure if it was because you were somewhere new or that you were fascinated by all that was going on around you. As soon as we got in the car to leave you passed out and slept the entire way home.    

You're very much into passing toys back and forth. You will find any random toy and crawl over to the couch and stand up and want to pass it back and forth.  

You do this funny thing when you have something in your hands and your crawling. You will hold whatever it is in your hands and have your palms facing up while you crawl. It hurts my hands and wrists watching you get around like that, but it doesn't seem to phase you one bit.

i love you to the moon and back baby boy!


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