Tuesday, April 9, 2013

dear jaxon

my sweet baby boy~

today at 1:55pm you will turn a YEAR OLD! For as long as I live I will never forget how you came into this world. I had spent the last eight weeks of my pregnancy sitting home, lying in the bed, praying you would stay put until you were ready to make your entrance. And my what an entrance you made (with a little help from your mama!).

I was scared to death about giving birth to you. Maybe not so much as the birthing experience, because hey I've been there done that, but more about what it would be like taking you home. It wasn't going to be all that I had envisioned. See I went and broke my ankle the day before you were born and was going to have surgery 2 days after you were born. I had no idea how I would be able to take care of you and your big brother, not being able to walk for 10 weeks!

the first few weeks of your life were a fog. I blame myself (and being medicated) on not remembering a lot of your first few days and weeks in this world. I'm not going to lie, I was angry at God for things not going how I thought they should have gone. Your pregnancy was such a sweet surprise to me and your daddy and the rest of our family and I felt like all those moments were being taken away. But baby boy, God taught me so much in those days, weeks, and months ahead. He has shown me so much in your short time here on this earth. And I am SO THANKFUL!!!

from day one, you have been a wonderful baby. You never had trouble sleeping, you were a good eater, you never really fussed or cried, and you have always been content with whatever is going on around you. I remember getting several comments from others about what a "good baby" you were and my reply was always, "God knew I could only handle so much." Jaxon Clay, don't you ever forget that! No matter what this life brings you, God knows just how much you can take. He loves you more than your daddy and I could ever love you and just like us he wants what's best for you.

sweet angel you have made our family complete! I am so excited to see what God has in store for your life. Just like your big brother I know He has amazing plans for you! You have brought so much joy and happiness to our lives. I'm so blessed to be your mama! ~i love you to the moon and back~ mama

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