Monday, January 28, 2013

brain dump

I don't remember the last time I did one of these posts. We've had so much going on over the last several weeks that it seems like I cannot keep up, especially on the blogging end. But I wanted to share with y'all what's been going on with us.

  • I've finally decided to start attending a women's bible study at our church and I'm really excited about it! It's been over 4 years since I've been to bible study regularly and this year I felt such a tug at my heart to attend. I plan to blog about it more this week. 
  • I'm excited to start working with Jenn to get a blog makeover! I've been wanting a change for some time now. Seeing that I've been blogging for almost FIVE years I think it's time!!! ;)
  • This CRAZY Alabama weather is kicking my pants. On the days that its nice enough to take the boys outside we are either getting over a cold or starting a new one. I'm sooooooo ready for spring and summer!!!!!! 
  • So I've gotten on the Pretty Little Liars band wagon and y'all I'm hooked! Did y'all hear through your computers my enthusiasm!?! I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I finished the first two seasons in less than two weeks and I'm now in the process tearing the house apart looking for iTunes gift cards so I can start on season three
  • I can't believe my baby is going to be TEN months next Saturday! I've started brainstorming for his party, but I'm finding it so hard to settle on something. I guess because he's our last one and that's been hard coming to terms with
  • And speaking of Jaxon turning ten months, I've got to blog his 8 and 9 month posts
  • Basketball season is coming to an end this week and its going to be great having Clay home earlier every day. Which means that I need to start meal planning again, but that would call for me to go to the grocery store. Ha!
  • I thought about re-reading "Bringing Up Boys" by Dr. James Dobson. Some things have happened recently (nothing bad) that has me questioning myself as a mother. Parenting is a very hard job and I know we as mothers question our parenting skills all the time. I just felt like it was time for me to pick that book back up. And if any of you boy moms have suggestions for other patenting books, please let me know about them
  • I decided to start the project 365 again this year in hopes that I can stick with it this time. My hope is to make the boys a book for each year

Well I hope y'all had a great Monday! Got to put the biggest one to bed!!!

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