jaxon you turned 9 months on january 9th
wow! i don't know where the time has gone!?! you are growing up way. too. fast.
you army crawl all over the house. if i turn my back for one second you are out of my sight. i can say for sure you are on the move now. you don't like to sit for very long.
you had your very first (double) ear infection on Christmas Eve :( i sat in the doctor's office and just cried because i felt like such a bad mother because you never acted like you were hurting. you are always such a happy baby that it's hard sometimes to tell when you are not feeling well.
you celebrated your very first Christmas last year. you weren't very crazy about unwrapping the paper. i think it scared you more than anything.
you are still taking two naps each day. your morning nap seems to be getting shorter. it only lasts for about an hour and your afternoon nap last for about 2-3 hours.
you love to blow bubbles and make what i like to call the motor boat sound. and you love to suck in your bottom lip and make a popping sound. you and Pop love to do that back and forth with one another
you are definitely a daddy's boy. and it really doesn't surprise me because y'all are so much alike. you are for sure his little mini me. and i'll let you in on a little secrete, he soaks up every minute of it!!!
you go through phases where you'll let me rock you. and on those days when you let me i just love on you and pray for you. i look at your brother and realize how short these years are and i don't want to miss out on this time with you.
you love to eat. that's probably the understatement of the century. i joke with your daddy all the time about how in the world am i going to be able to feed all three of y'all when you get older. i don't think you have turned down one thing we have put in front of you.
you are definitely a blankie baby just like your big brother. when i go to put you in your crib you like to lay on your tummy and i'll lay your blanket over you and you'll grab at the corner with one hand and start sucking your thumb. that's how you fall asleep every night. it's so precious!!
you sleep through the night like a champ! we've been so blessed to have you and your brother be such good sleepers. i know how truly blessed i am in the sleep department!
i can't get over what a happy baby you are! you are always able to brighten up my day with your smile or your sweet little laugh. you have so much joy in you at such a young age.
you babble and scream a lot. you say da-da-da all the time, even when i try to get you to say momma. and a few times i thought i've heard you say what sounds like "hey there."
sweet boy i can't even begin to tell you what a wonderful blessing you are to my life! never in my wildest dreams could i have imagined having this much love for someone. ~ i love you to the moon and back ~ momma
Stats for this month:
weight: 18 pounds {10% percentile}
height: 28 1/2inches {75% percentile}
clothes: 12months
diapers: size 3