I can't believe how quickly time is flying by! I think I say that every month?
You have started eating pretty consistently lately. You love greek yogurt (especially the key lime pie). You've also had biscuits and gravy which you gobbled up! And of course sweet potatoes have always been a big hit in our house. I even made a banana-avocado mix and you like that too. I'm hoping your eating habits will be a lot better than your brothers.
You are almost sitting up by yourself. You like sitting in the floor propped up around your boppy and playing with your toys. I think you enjoy it so much because Bryson will sit beside you and play or talk to you.
You still take three naps a day. Your first one is around 10:00am, your second nap is around 12:30pm and then your last one is around 3:00pm. At night you sleep about 10-12hrs. You love to sleep with your aden and anais blanket. You'll put it right next to your face and then turn on your side and fall asleep.
No teeth just yet. Your brother was 9 months old before he got his first tooth, so I guess you'll be following in his footsteps. You don't talk very much, but you can say da-da-da-da. Your daddy was so excited when he heard you say it for the first time. Now if I can just get you to say momma. :)
You and your brother got a bath together for the first time. You loved it of course! Not to sure if Bryson was all that thrilled. But I think he'll love it when you get a little older and y'all can really start playing with one another.
You are constantly smiling! And your laugh is just infectious! I could listen to you giggle all day long.
You got to watch your very first basketball game a few weeks ago. Your daddy was coaching his 7th grade boys team. I think you really liked it! You screamed (the good kind) the entire time. I secretly hope you and your brother will love basketball as much as me and your daddy do. I know your daddy's dream is to coach you and Bryson one day.
The doorway jumper isn't something you are very fond of. I've tried to put you in it several times and you won't stay in it for more than a couple of minutes. You do love it when we stand you up and you can bang your hands against the coffee table.
I know I say this every month, but you are the most happy baby! You light up our faces every day. I'm such a blessed mommy to have you in my life. ~ I love you to the moon and back ~ Momma
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