jaxon you are 5 months old {Sept. 9th}
I think this is the month I have noticed your growth the most. You are starting to get those cute chubby rolls on you legs and those rubber band marks on your wrists. You are no where near as big as your brother was at this age. And I say this A LOT, but I'm love that you are small because it makes me feel like you are still in that newborn stage.
You are taking a bottle every three hours. I haven't started you on cereal yet, but I think I'm going to dive into that adventure pretty soon. You had your first taste of yogurt over the weekend and you weren't digging it very much. That is something I'm sure I would have never done with your brother. I would have never let you try yogurt without starting on cereal first. I was such a rule follower then. But you learn to let things go the next time around.
I've noticed your little personality is very much like your daddy's. You are just has happy-go-lucky as can be. You laugh a lot! Which we all love to hear. Your giggles are so adorable!
Even at this age, you are looking up to your big brother. You love it when he sits and talks to you and you do your best to try and talk back. Oh, my prayer is that y'all will be life long friends. That you will stick up for each other and love each other no matter what happens in your lives.
You have found your little toes. You are always grabbing at them when you are in your swing.
You still love to be held. I don't think I'll ever get tired of this. And your favorite thing is when I stand up and sway you back and forth.
Daddy said you rolled over a week ago last Saturday, but I have yet to see it with my own eyes. I thought you were going to a couple of times this past week, but you would just roll from side to side.
You are still sleeping from around 7:30pm to 7:30am. We get you up, give you a bottle, play for a little while and then you are ready to go back down around 9:30am.
I FINALLY took you and your brother out on my own for the first time Tuesday. We went to Target that morning and then ventured out again that afternoon to Publix.
You still love sucking your thumb. And you get so frustrated if you can't find it quick enough. Sweet little baby!
You always wake up in the best moods. I don't think there has been a day in your little life that you haven't woken up without a smile on your face.
We love you so much, and cannot wait to see the boy you will become.
~ i love you to the moon and back ~ Momma
Stats for the month:
weight: guessing a little over 14 pounds
diapers: size 2
clothes: 3-6 months
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