Sunday, September 30, 2012

31 Days series - being in the moment

It's been pretty evident over the last few months that I haven't been the best at blogging lately. To be honest it's has gotten to be where it's become a bit overwhelming.

I'm not one those that blogs about the "hot topic" of the week. This blog has always been about me and my family. I've used it as a scrapbook of our lives and to show our families that don't get to see the boys on a regular basis, what their doing. And after I had Jaxon things just got "doubly" (is that even a word?) hard!

I've been reading A LOT on twitter and some of my favorite blogs about The Nester's 31 Days series. And what better way to jump start my blogging again than to get in on this challenge. 

So for 31 days I'm going to get back to being in the moment. Enjoying my time with the boys, because lets face it, their not getting younger.

I know in a VERY short time from now they are both going to be in school, and then off to college and then getting married and starting families of their own. I want them to remember back to the time when they were young and the fun things we used to do as a family. I want to create wonderful memories with my boys. And I would be lying if I said that I wanted to remember those special moments with them too.

These are the days! Where memories are made. 

So here's to being in the moment!

I hope you will link up too and join in on the fun!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I wasn't ready for this.....

I was driving home after picking Bryson up from MDO yesterday and he and I got to talking about his day like we normally do. He told me what they made, what he had for lunch and that he got to go and play on the playground (which is by far his favorite part of the day)! He went on to tell me about another little boy in his class getting in trouble for hitting him. And he told me that this little boy had to tell him he was sorry. I asked Bryson if he did anything to make the other boy upset with him and he said "No!" But after several minutes of going back and forth with the conversation he proceeded to tell me that he too got in trouble. I asked him what he did and he never could tell me. So after sitting in the drive way for what seemed like an hour trying to figure out what he was trying to tell me, I told him he needed to go inside the house and go to his room and I would be in there in a few minutes and we would try talking again. Something told me I needed to call his teacher to see what was going on because this is not the first time Bryson and I have had this conversation. He's come home from school on several occasions and told either Clay or I that someone had hit him or pushed him. And frankly I was getting a little concerned by this point.

When I got on the phone with his teacher she was very quick to tell me that Bryson did not get in trouble, but that the little boy Bryson was talking to me about did get in trouble for pushing him on the playground. In that moment I breathed a sigh of relief that Bryson wasn't the one hitting or punching or doing things he's been told not to do. In that moment I was glad that my child wasn't the "bully" at school (even though I don't think 3 years old can be called bullies, but you get my point).

She told me that since he's been at school they've never had to get on to him. She told me that he marches to the beat of his own drum. That he's very happy go lucky and goes with the flow (just like his daddy). She said that he is always the first one to say the blessing when they get ready to eat lunch. And that he is the one they go to when they need a helper. My heart was leaping for joy while she was saying all these things! I was so proud of my little man.

But what she said next broke my mommy heart into a thousand pieces. She went on to tell that Bryson doesn't really take up for himself. That when other kids come and take a toy away from him he doesn't run and "tattle" on them or try to get the toy back. He just lets them have the toy and moves on to something else. She said that he's not a leader, but he's not a follower either. She said he has such a good and caring heart for other people. And after hearing that I completely broke down.

As I sat there last night telling Clay the story all I could do is cry because I know my son! I know what an AH-MAZING little boy he his and that he has the heart the size of Texas! I know that he sees the good in everyone. I know how loving, caring and compassionate he is! But during my conversation with his teacher all I could do was think about years from now, not wanting him to be bullied at school. Not wanting him to be the kid others picked on. Wanting him to stand up for himself and not let others get the best of him. I've seen/heard what happens to kids that are bullied. And as much as I don't want to say it out loud, some of those kids commit suicide. It's real! Things like that happen! 

So when is the right time to teach your child that it's okay to take up for themselves? That it's NOT okay to be pushed around by others or push other people around! I'm new at this. I've never raised a 3 year old, so I don't have all the answers. And if I'm being honest I'm scared to death of what the future holds for my boys. I want so much to protect them from this crazy world we live in. But I cling to the fact that this world is not our home. We are just passing through.

  Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

Monday, September 24, 2012

Project Pinterest: {Hanging Letters}


I'm a little late getting this post up, but better late than never right? I'm linking up with AP today, author of one of the best blogs I heart to read ILYMTC.

Before Jaxon came along I wanted to get Bryson's room turned into a big boy room. I wanted to leave his room as it was (like the paint and some of the decorations), but add a few Big Boy touches. Right now he is soooo into Cars and Toy Story so I incorporated that into his bedding. Sorry, I'm not one of those moms that likes the "themed" bedrooms. Anyway.....

I found this adorable little reading area on pinterest and thought it would cute to add something like that to Bryson's new room.

So I went to Hobby Lobby and purchased a few things to make the letters. Y'all this was so cheap to make and so simple to do.

For this project you need whatever letters you plan to use, scrapbook paper, mod podge, pencil, paint brush, and scissors. I already had everything except the letters and the scrapbook paper. And y'all it took me for-e-ver to pick out the paper. Way too many choices! Ha!!

The first thing I did was trace the letters onto the paper. Then cut out each letter. After that I put the mod podge on the back of the paper and on the letter itself; that way I new it would stick and stay on. You do this for each letter.

Once I finished painting on the mod podge I let it dry for about 15-20 minutes then I went back and painted the mod podge on top of the paper. This kind of gives it a glossy look. If you've never used the mod podge before don't freak out when you paint on top of the paper because in some places it might look white. The mod podge dries clear, so no worries!

After I finished all the letters I let them dry overnight (you don't have to wait that long, but it was getting late and I was ready for bed. Ha!), I put one more coat of the mod podge over the letters.

And here's the finished project. I thought it turned out really cute!!!

All in all this project cost less than $15 dollars
Scrapbook paper (4 sheets): 1.18 (were 1/2 off)
Chipboard (4 letters): 7.16 (got one letter 40% off with coupon)
Mod Podge: 4.47
Foam Brush: 1.99

I can't wait to do more fun things for Bryson's room!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

mid week: brain dump

I haven't been able to write out a lot of posts the past few weeks. I think our computer is on it's last leg, so I'm having to wait until my work week to blog. So today I thought I would just do a brain dump of some of the things that are going on.

1. Last week I realized that we haven't had any (good) pictures made since Jaxon was born. I had a little bit of mom guilt about it, so I texted some of my girlfriends to find out a few of the photographers they use. I decided to go with Leigh Ann. Y'all I can't wait to work with her. And what's even better is that she had a spot open next Saturday! Eeeek!

2. And with the pictures coming up, I've been in panic mode to find us all something to wear. I think I've got the boys figured out, now just finding something for mommy and daddy.

3. I have got to get better at using my Erin Condren life planner. I said last year that I would use it a lot more this year and I haven't been doing a good job so far.

4. I've been struggling for a while about when is the best time to teach Bryson about sticking up for himself. Clay and I go back and forth a lot about this topic. This week Bryson has told us several times about other boys hitting him at school. And yesterday I talked with his teachers and I think it's just more of 3 year olds being 3 year olds. It's not really kids bullying one another, but I'm trying to find that balance of teaching him to stand up for himself and not to be the kid that picks a fight because some one took the toy you were playing with.

5. Jaxon is into playing peek-a-boo. By himself I might add. Clay and I will catch him while he's on his play mat and he'll grab his blanket and pull it over his head and then start giggling or making some cute little noise so you will come over there and pull it off his face. It's the funniest thing!

6. I'm getting ready to start my new work schedule at the first of October. I'm really excited about it! For those of you that don't know, I work night shift at a local hospital here in town and for the last five years have worked seven on seven off. But starting in October I'll just be working 5 days every other week. This will give me more time at home with the boys, which is something I've always wanted to do! I'm really looking forward it!!!

7. Of course this brain dump couldn't go without talking about college football. Since it is that time of year! It's not looking so good for my Auburn Tigers this year. Last weeks game was a disappointment. I'm afraid this is going to be a VERY LONG SEASON! But you can bet that my boys will be dressed in their game day outfits each week no matter if we win or loose.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

jaxon clay {5 months}

 jaxon you are 5 months old {Sept. 9th}

I think this is the month I have noticed your growth the most. You are starting to get those cute chubby rolls on you legs and those rubber band marks on your wrists. You are no where near as big as your brother was at this age. And I say this A LOT, but I'm love that you are small because it makes me feel like you are still in that newborn stage.

You are taking a bottle every three hours. I haven't started you on cereal yet, but I think I'm going to dive into that adventure pretty soon. You had your first taste of yogurt over the weekend and you weren't digging it very much. That is something I'm sure I would have never done with your brother. I would have never let you try yogurt without starting on cereal first. I was such a rule follower then. But you learn to let things go the next time around.

I've noticed your little personality is very much like your daddy's. You are just has happy-go-lucky as can be. You laugh a lot! Which we all love to hear. Your giggles are so adorable!

Even at this age, you are looking up to your big brother. You love it when he sits and talks to you and you do your best to try and talk back. Oh, my prayer is that y'all will be life long friends. That you will stick up for each other and love each other no matter what happens in your lives.

You have found your little toes. You are always grabbing at them when you are in your swing.

You still love to be held. I don't think I'll ever get tired of this. And your favorite thing is when I stand up and sway you back and forth.
Your naptime has varied some this week. They will range from 30 minutes to 2 hours. And you have gotten so much better at riding in the car.

Daddy said you rolled over a week ago last Saturday, but I have yet to see it with my own eyes. I thought you were going to a couple of times this past week, but you would just roll from side to side.

You are still sleeping from around 7:30pm to 7:30am. We get you up, give you a bottle, play for a little while and then you are ready to go back down around 9:30am.

I FINALLY took you and your brother out on my own for the first time Tuesday. We went to Target that morning and then ventured out again that afternoon to Publix.

You still love sucking your thumb. And you get so frustrated if you can't find it quick enough. Sweet little baby!

You always wake up in the best moods. I don't think there has been a day in your little life that you haven't woken up without a smile on your face.

We love you so much, and cannot wait to see the boy you will become.

~ i love you to the moon and back ~ Momma

Stats for the month:

weight: guessing a little over 14 pounds

diapers: size 2

clothes: 3-6 months

Friday, September 7, 2012

Flashback Friday

I can't believe it's been a year since we found out we were pregnant with Jaxon. And he'll be FIVE months old on Sunday! Time has got to slow down!!!

A year ago today we were telling our families about our newest addition. What a blessing these last five months have been. And look at this precious little boy above. He really has grown into his big brother role. I couldn't ask for two better little angels.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Safe in His Arms

Yesterday afternoon I was feeding Jaxon and watching Bryson play with his cars in the kitchen when I heard the song by Phil Wickham, Safe. And then it happened. I was overcome with all this emotion and the water works started flowing.

With a new school year starting, my twitter feed is filled with all these mommy's getting their sweet ones ready for their first day of pre-k or the start of their very first day of BIG school. And that got me thinking. I don't have my babies for too much longer. I'm going to blink my eyes and then it will be my turn to make those cute little signs for them to have their picture taken with remembering their first day of school. I'll be packing lunches and putting M&M's in Bryson's lunch because gifts are his love language.

It also made me realize that I won't be able to protect them anymore. Here at home they are Safe. I have my eye on them almost all the time (except for those times when I go and hide in the closet because I need one quite minute to myself only to find that Bryson is trying to get his brother to try a bite of his pb&j sandwich). Honestly is scares the daylights out of me to send them off by themselves and worry every minute if they are making friends, did they sit by themselves at lunch, are they being made fun of because they don't fit in? I want so badly for them to be kept away from all those hurts and disappointments in life that I know they are going to face someday soon. REAL SOON! My mommy heart breaks for those future moments.

And while that song was playing I heard these words, this is the promise He made; He will be with You always; When everything is falling apart; You will be safe in His arms.

Those are the words I will cling to when I send them off into the world. I will remember the promise God made that He will keep them safe and watch over them.

The Lord will keep you from all harm, he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. Psalm 121: 7-8

Monday, September 3, 2012

Before I'm 35

I've kinda' been in somewhat of a "funk" lately. I don't know if it's due to my lack of sleep these last few weeks, adjusting to Clay's new work schedule, or just a little overwhelmed with life in general. I feel like I have the SAME routine day after day after day. I find myself not enjoying my time with my boys (because I'm so exhausted) and just going through the motions.

Last Decemeber I turned the BIG 3-0! And now that 2012 is almost over and I'm reaching the 31 mark I feel like I've wasted a lot of my time. During the first few years of our marriage Clay and I struggled with infertility. I shared about our story here and here. We concentrated so much on trying to get pregnant that we missed out on a lot of time together, enjoying those first few years of marriage. But let me say this, I wouldn't trade all those trips to the doctor, all that needle sticking, the waiting, praying, and hoping for one second because it gave me my precious, smart, tender hearted, spirited Bryson. Also during this time Clay decided he wanted to go back to school to pursue a different career and that meant learning to live off one income and not being able to go out with all our friends on Friday/Saturday night. There were just certain things that happened in our lives that took us down a different path than some of our friends. And again I would not trade any of those things because it has made Clay and I much stronger in our marriage and taught us so much about each other. Sometimes I think we need to thank God for the trials He puts us through, because it's in those times we lean on Him and learn so much about ourselves.

I've read some really great blog posts this past week that have encouraged me to start challenging myself. And that got me to thinking about the 101 in 1001 challenge. 

I'm going to go ahead and say that I will probably set these goals to be completed right before I turn 35, which gives me about 4 years. I want to take this list very seriously and make the best effort to complete each one. Because if you know me personally I'm not really good with sticking to those "New Year's Resolutions." Ha! I also want to take this time to learn about myself, start enjoying my life, embracing every moment I have with my husband and children. I don't want to look back 20 years from now and wish I would have done things differently. I want to be proud of my job as a wife, mother and friend and learn "not to sweat the small stuff." I want to know my purpose in life and know what God's plan is for me. I want to make a diiference in my boys lives and show my them what it means to have a servants heart. To teach them to have compassion for others and to be more like Jesus every day. I want to be a mother that they are proud of.

So here it is.... my list of 101 things.........

   1. Learn to sew
   2. Read at least one book each month every year til this list is completed.
   3. Read through the Bible in a year
   4. Learn to make homemade biscuits from scratch
   5. Learn how to make a quilt
   6. Finish Jaxon's nursery
   7. Finish Bryson's big boy room
   8. Remodel the guest bathroom for the boys
   9. Visit the Pepper Place Market twice a month
  10. Learn to make meatloaf (it's my hubby's favorite)
  11. Follow the 100 Days to Christmas ebook
  12. Get a blog makeover {completed March 2013}
  13. Get hardwood floors put down  {completed March 2013}
  14. Plan our trip to Disney World
  15. Have a least 3 months worth of expenses in our savings account
  16. Start singing in the church choir again
  17. Make an effort to find a quiet time each day
  18. Make Bryson and Jaxon a quilt
  19. Learn how to tie a tie
  20. Be debt free by the time I finish this list
  21. Go to an Auburn vs Alabama football game
  22. Put together my home management notebook
  23. Have my Christmas shopping done two months before Christmas
  24. Not eat out everyday for a month
  25. Finish Bryson's Yearly Memory Books and keep up with them each month
  26. Start on Jaxon's Yearly Memory Book
  27. Take a photography class {completed July 2013}
  28. Plan mine and Clay's 10th Anniversary Trip
  29. Go to an Auburn Tigers basketball game
  30. Learn Photoshop
  31. Watch every Academy Award Best Picture Winner
  32. Teach Bryson a bible verse each month
  33. Plan a family trip to Gatlinburg for the winter
  34. Read through The Purpose Driven Life
  35. Put together a anniversary/birthday calendar of family and friends
  36. Randomly pay for someone elses meal (Fast Food Friends)
  37. Teach VBS {completed June 2013} 
  38. Go on a last minute weekend trip with the hubs
  39. Try 25 recipes I've pinned of pinterest
  40. Do the Date Night in a Jar
  41. Find "My" Bible verse
  42. Learn how to make a bow
  43. Help Bryson put together a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child {completed November 2012}
  44. Rock Jaxon for 1 nap every day
  45. Open a savings account for the boys
  46. Save $100 a month for the boys
  47. Write our will
  48. Loose 30lbs by New Year's (probably not happening this year. Ha!)
  49. Blog every day for a month (except weekends) {completed October 2013} 
  50. Learn how to work my camera
  51. Learn how to make a camera strap for my camera
  52. Send out a anniversary/birthday card to every one on the "master list"
  53. Makeover the wall above our master bedroom
  54. Finish decorating the living room
  55. Make the Emergency Notebook from Your Own Home Store
  56. Do the Frame A Day Project with Bryson and Jaxon and create a book at the end of the year
  57. Take a family picture each month
  58. Make New Year's Eve Dinner
  59. Sponser a child from Compassion International
  60. Commit to reading "The Power of a Praying Wife" for 30 days and pray for Clay during those days
  61. Commit to reading "The Power of a Praying Parent" for 30 days and pray for the boys during those days
  62. Take Bryson on a mommy-son date once a month
  63. Host a "Girls Night Out"
  64. Take my picture with the boys each month
  65. Turn off the TV by 9pm every night for a month
  66. Write a letter to the boys every year on their birthday teaching them a lesson/giving them advice for the future
  67. Make Jaxon's Halloween Costume this year
  68. Surprise Clay with a weekend getaway
  69. Take dinner to a friend
  70. Visit the Ft. Worth Zoo
  71. Write down all my favorite recipes and make them into a book
  72. Learn how to make my MIL peanut butter fudge
  73. Get involved in a ministry @ church
  74. Go to a Texas Rangers game
  75. Go on a family picnic
  76. Participate in Lent (I'm Southern Baptist, but I think I could benefit from giving up something for 40 days)
  77. Take Bryson to a movie {completed June & August 2013}
  75. Get a massage
  79. Take a vitamin every day for a month
  80. Make an apple pie from scratch
  82. Complete the Couch-to-5k run
  82. Start a family Christmas tradition
  83. Go see a Broadway Musical
  84. Repurpose my wedding dress
  85. Buy a hard drive and transfer all my pictures to it
  86. Visit Memphis
  87. Collect 15 Dr. Seuss books
  88. Make a Christmas ornament each year with the boys
  89. Wake up every day by 6am for a week
  90. Donate 101 things I do not need
  92. Do something good for someone anonymously
  92. For one month make lunch for work every day
  93. Blog my way through my 101 list
  94. Get a digital copy of my wedding pictures and make a coffee table album
  95. Memorize one scripture a week for a year
  96. Make 15 handmade gifts for Christmas for family and friends
  97. Write Clay a "love note" every day for a month
  98. Get Bryson to try 10 new foods that he will eat regularly (I'm tired of PB&J, chicken fingers and grilled cheese)
  99. Do 20 DIY projects from pinterest
100. Do at least 3 Beth Moore Bible studies (either in a group setting or by myself)
101. Share my faith with at least one person every year during this list

I'm really excited about my list! I can't wait to get started!!

Hope y'all have a Happy Monday ;)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Football Season is Here!!

IT'S HERE!!!!!!!

The most wonderful time of the year is here y'all! College football season is here and in full swing already! If y'all read my blog then you know my love for college football. Here in the South we love our SEC football. And I LOVE my Auburn Tigers!!! I'm really looking forward to this season. I know my Auburn Tigers aren't in contention for the SEC Title and I don't expect them to win the National Championship, but I am excited that we are planning to take Bryson to his first Auburn football game. Eeek! I can't wait for him to experience his first Tigers game.

And of course with this time of year comes my favorite season, FALL! I love everything about it. The cooler weather, the colors on the trees, Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks (ha!), all the holidays that are ahead, and a million more things I won't bore you with.   

Bryson's loving his new Auburn shirt. He says it's just like his daddy's!

 I've got several things ordered for the boys to wear this year. Even if we don't make it to every game I still like to get them dressed up for game days on Saturdays. It's so much fun getting to dress up TWO. ;)

Clay and I are hoping to make it to the Auburn vs. Texas A&M game. I'm excited that we added Missouri and Texas A&M to the SEC. We give y'all a BIG SEC WELCOME! Auburn's schedule is jam packed this year. Lots of great home games that I hope we can make!

I'm not going to lie, I'm a little nervous about tonight's game vs Clemson. Orange verses Orange in the Georgia Dome. I'll be on pins and needles all night!


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