Last Tuesday Bryson had his 3 year check-up. I couldn't believe he had not seen Dr. G since he was two! How in the world is my baby already THREE! I remember like it was yesterday taking him in just days after he was born to get his bili levels checked. And now here we are at his 3 year check-up. Wow how time flies!!!
Clay and I debated who would take him and I thought it would be best if I did just in case he had to have any shots. I could sense when we got into the office that Bryson was a little scared. I just reminded him everything was going to be okay and didn't make to big a deal out of it.
Clay and I debated who would take him and I thought it would be best if I did just in case he had to have any shots. I could sense when we got into the office that Bryson was a little scared. I just reminded him everything was going to be okay and didn't make to big a deal out of it.
Once we got into the office Bryson went straight to the little table and chairs and sat down and started watching the movie that was playing on the TV. I could tell he was nervous. He would go back and forth from the table and chairs to sitting next to me. My heart hurt for him so bad.
When we got back to the room he was pretty calm. He had already gotten his weight and height done. I answered a few of the questions from the nurse and then we waited for Dr. G.
My sweet, precious little big THREE year old!
He loved getting to sit on the table and watch the cars pass by on the interstate. He's always loved looking out that window.
Dr. G came in and we talked about various things. I was SO thankful to hear the words NO SHOTS! It made the rest of the visit a lot less stressful and I could concentrate on the things that I needed to talk with her about.
Of course the ever so popular topic of potty training came up and we discussed what might work best for B. She gave him a big boy talk about using the potty and getting out of diapers and wearing big boy underwear. He just sat there the whole time and listened (well I guess he was listening) and said "Yes Ma'am!" when she told him it was time for him to be a big boy and start using the potty. I was just proud of him telling her "yes ma'am!" We've been working a lot on manners and not so much on the potty training. Ha! It stresses me out to think about it, but I know he's ready and he's actually doing very well. I'll post about that topic later.
Of course Clay's one request was for me to ask Dr. G Bryson's percentage on his height. Is it a guy/father thing that they want to know what percentile their kids are in? Or is it just my crazy husbands? Ha!!
Bryson's 3 year Stats:
weight - 34.8lbs
height - 38 1/2in (75 percentile)
clothes - 3/4T
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