Wednesday, May 9, 2012

jaxon clay {1 month}

Jaxon you are one month old today!

I can't believe you have been with us for a month already! We are adjusting well as a family of four and we so glad you are a part of our family. You are such a blessing to us and we are so thankful to God for bringing you in our lives.

For the most part you are a very content baby unless you are hungry, wet or want to be held. Yes we might have a little problem on our hands with you wanting to be held ALL THE TIME! The first two weeks we had some trouble feeding, but since we've gone to strictly formula you are gaining weight and getting bigger each day. You eat every 2-3 hours during the day and every 3-5 at night.  

Some days it seems like you sleep all day long and other days you want to keep your eyes open and play. You have the prettiest blue eyes just like your big brother.

You have given us a few smiles and giggles this week. You will occasionally laugh in your sleep which is the cutest thing!

You love listening and watching your big brother. When he comes in the room you will look towards him and just watch him play. You somehow manage to sleep through his loud noises and play time which I'm sure you got use to while you were in my tummy.

You like to keep your hand up to your face (resting it on your cheek) when you eat. Your not to big on the pacifier and you love laying on mommy and daddy's chest.  

~ i love you to the moon and back ~ momma

Stats for this month.......

weight: 8 pounds 12 ounces

length: 21 1/2 inches

clothes: newborn

diapers: size 1

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