Saturday, March 31, 2012

Big Brother Bryson

Before Jaxon makes his arrival I wanted to write down what's been going on with BIG Brother. This is one of those posts that is mainly to help me remember what was going on with Bryson during this time.

Big brother is 2 1/2 years old

He is one of the smartest little boys I know. And can remember just about anything you tell him

He loves to work puzzles. Just last week he did the Melissa&Doug United States puzzle all by himself for the first time

He is so loving and has the biggest heart

He loves anything that has to do with cars, tractors, trucks, etc. Tonight he told me he wanted a Cars party for his birthday.

His favorite cereal is Captain Crunch with the berries and watching Octonauts in the mornings

He loves playing outside especially with his daddy.  

He's gotten into wearing hats and his favorite one is Clay's Atlanta Braves hat. And he will only wear it to the side (we call it the gangsta' style. Ha!)

He is such a strong willed little boy. Once he puts his mind to something he goes for it.

He enjoys reading books (well I read them) at bedtime and has 4 songs that he wants us to sing in the same order every night (Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Jesus Loves Me, You are my Sunshine, and Away in a Manger)

He likes to rub on my belly and talk to Jaxon. His favorite thing is to show him who Mr. Potato Head is and tell him about all his parts

His favorite songs right now are the Veggietales "Belly Button" song and "This is the Day the Lord has Made." He goes around the house singing them all the time

Clay and I love having conversations with him. His imagination is in full swing and some of the things that he says makes us laugh non-stop

He knows that Jesus lives in his heart and that He loves him very much

He can count to fifteen and can say his ABC's

Jaxon is going to be so blessed to have Bryson as his BIG brother. Someone he can look up to and play with. I pray that they will become the best of friends!

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