I have got to get better at posting these on Saturday. I always have every intention to, but get caught up with other things around the house and never get around to posting. I think I'll start writing each days description on that day, so all I have to do is upload this pictures.
We had somewhat of a laid back week. After having some contractions over the last two weeks I've decided to try and not do as much. That's SO much easier said than done. Ha!
January 22: I let Bryson take his matchbox cars with him to the bathtub. The best thing I have ever done! He has had so much with them this past week; it's all he wants to play with now.
January 23: Due to the tornado's that hit our state early Monday morning, Bryson didn't have school due to them closing for the day. He was enjoying watching Octonauts which by the way is his new favorite show. He wants to watch it everyday when he wakes up. Thank goodness for DVR :)
January 24: I really wasn't in the mood to cook on Tuesday night and I found
this crock pot potato soup recipe that was Um-Um-Good!
January 25: I had my monthly visit to the OB on Wednesday. Me and Jaxon waiting on Dr. H.
January 26: Thursday was pajama day since it poured down rail ALL DAY! Can I just state for the record how much I HATE rainy days!!!
January 27: Clay and I have been itching to see
The Grey with Liam Neeson (who has become one of my favorite actors) and of course it did not disappoint! Without saying too much, Clay wasn't very happy with the ending, but I kinda' liked it. We had a great date night! Love getting to spend time with my man!!!
January 28: My brother and SIL came up to my parents house and brought sweet Anna Katherine. I could not get over how sweet Bryson was being with her. He was so gentle and sweet. I'm hoping that is a small glimpse into our future. I was so proud to be his mommy!