Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 24 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby W is the size of an ear of corn
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 8 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Yes!
Gender: It's a BOY!!! I promise I will post the name this week. Clay and I have been going back and forth with the middle name, so I hope we can lock it down this week. Ha!
Movement: SO much! Thankfully I don't ever feel him during the night. I think he knows momma likes her sleep :)
Sleep: Has been great this week! Bryson has slept til 9am almost every day this past week. Which is NOT then norm. But it's been great catching up!
What I miss: Not having indigestion! Oh my goodness, I don't know if it's a boy thing or what, but the indigestion is terrible. No matter what I eat I can get away from it.
Cravings: Anything and everything these days!
Symptoms: I started cutting back on my blood pressure meds (my doctor wanted me to taper off of them) and noticed that I'm having more cramps. So at my OB appt this past week, my MD said I need to go back to taking it twice a day and can take as many as 4 a day. I'm just glad there is a medicine out there that can help!
Best Moment this week: Watching Bryson come home to his new BIG BOY room! We aren't quite finished yet, so I hope to post about it in the coming weeks. But he was so excited today and I can't believe how fast he's growing up!

I can really tell in this picture how much bigger I am the second time around.
I've heard with second pregnancies you show more because your uterus knows what to do!! You look beautiful!! Can't wait to hear Bryson's brothers name!!