Sorry this post is overloaded with pictures. It's mainly to show the grandparents and for my memories.
By the fourth day Bryson was staying out on the beach a little longer. I think the blanket we bought really helped. He still wasn't wild about the sand.
These little molds kept him busy for quite a while. Clay would show him how it worked and then he would want to try. It was so sweet watching them play together and interact. They are so much alike it's a little scary. I love both my boys very much!
Are these not the cutest things? My favorite one was the crab and the seahorse.
That night we had dinner at Lambert's (home of the throwed rolls)! This is another one of my favorite places to eat when we're at Gulf Shores. Sometimes the seafood can be too much after so many days (never thought I would say that), so it's nice to go and eat some "home cooked" food. If you've never been let me suggest the fried potatoes and onions and Clay loves the meatloaf.

I don't if you can see them that well, but dolphins started swimming up close to the shore one morning. At first Clay thought it was a shark. Ha! He's so crazy!! I one point I thought we saw about 5 or 6 dolphins together. They were so neat to watch.
Daddy trying his hand at the molds. He wasn't as good as mommy was!
My friend Mary got Bryson this cute sand castle mold from Disney World. Bryson thought it was the coolest thing. Thanks Ms. Mary!!
We usually eat in once while we're on our trip. This particular night Clay and I wanted Bahama Bob's Crawfish Po-Boy sandwich and for a special treat I stopped in at Hope's Cheesecake's to grab each of us our own little cheesecake.
Can you tell by this picture Bryson was loving his? Ha!!
This picture is terrible, but on our last full day Clay took Bryson up to the room, fed him lunch and put him down for a nap so that I could soak up some sun and have a little "Me" time. My husband is amazing. Don't think I'll be trading him in anytime soon. :)
And for one last hooray, we had dinner at Lulu's. This is a picture of the best fish sandwich I have ever put in my mouth! Ya'll this thing is A-MA-ZING!!! And to top it off you can add the fried green tomatoes and Lulu's WOW sauce to make it even better. I really wish there was some way she could ship these to my house. I would pay alot! I've been craving this sandwich for the last few weeks.
Lucy Buffett has a cookbook with this recipe in it and Mary was sweet enough to copy them for me. I need to get a good skillet for the fried green tomatoes before I try this one out. But before this pregnancy is over this will be served at my house.
After dinner we had a little photo session down by the beach. Once Bryson discovered the seashells he was in heaven.
Clay and I took turns taking pictures of the other one with Bryson. I hate that we weren't able to get a family shot.
This picture just melts my heart. I can't believe how much he's grown since last years trip. It also makes me look forward to this next baby that is about to come into our lives. To watch Bryson interact with his little brother/sister. For him to show him or her where to find the seashells or how to build sand castles.
I can't wait!!!
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