Actually...this isn't a weekend review, it's more of a Friday review. Ha!
Clay has been on Spring Break this past week and he and Bryson have been getting in some good father/son time. Which I LOVE!!! With the job that I have, I get to be a SAHM every other week and I feel like I get to spend alot more time with Bryson than Clay does. So I was really looking forward to them bonding over the week :) And it worked out perfect that this was my week to work.
There were a few things Clay had on his to do list that he wanted to do with Bryson this week and one was take him to the zoo. I must admit to ya'll that I was kinda' shocked that Clay wanted to tackle the little man all by himself out in a BIG public place. But after a little time to think it over he ended up asking me if I wanted to join them. Of course at first I told him that he could go by himself and they would do just fine and then I reminded him that this would be Bryson's first trip to the zoo and that he would have to take pictures. So what do ya'll think happened???
I ended up going and we had a blast! Now I did let Clay and Bryson do alot together. I just kinda' hung back and took pictures and let them enjoy spending time with each other for the day.
Bryson insisted that he walk when we got into the zoo(I guess he saw all the other little kids and thought he needed to do the same).

This was Bryson's first time on the carousel! Isn't he precious? Oh, and he was waving at me as he would pass by.

Looking at the elephant.

Watching the giraffe's

I just love zebras! Isn't it amazing at some of the animals that God created? Their black and white stripes are beautiful.

About half way through the trip Bryson was in the beginning phase of meltdown mode. He would want to be in his stroller and out of his stroller. Oh the life with an almost two year old.

Lions are probably one of my favorite animals. When we got up to the glass to see him Bryson decided he was going to ROAR like a lion, oh my of the cutest things my son has ever done. I wished I would have caught it on video. I told Clay that we would have to come back just so I could get a video of him roaring like the lion. Ha!

Another one of my favorite animals...the tiger. He's at the top of the picture on the right side.

The rhino's!
All the animals were being a little lazy that day.

I have NO idea what he was looking at through the glass. I think at this point he was all over the place and we could hardly keep up with him.

How precious is this Ape? He looks like he's in deep thought. Ha!!

Me and Bryson talking about the Ape.

After seeing about all we could see we hit up the train ride.
Can ya'll tell that Bryson was exhausted?
Overall, we had a wonderful day! The weather was beautiful and it was so much fun getting to see Bryson look at all the animals for the first time. I'm hoping we can go back soon!