Bryson - you are Eleven months old today!!!!!!
What have you been up to these days???
You weigh around 23 pounds
You are in size 4 diapers and 12-18 month clothes
- You are completely on table food except for a few jars of baby food that I'm going to try and get you to finish up this week. Not sure if I'll be able to because you love eating what everyone else has on their plates.
- You are completely OFF the bottle. Yeah for Bryson!!! It's taken a couple of different sippy cups to find the one you like. We've been through several and this week I think we finally found a winner!
- You are still sleeping 10-11 hours at night. And taking one morning and one afternoon nap lasting about 30-60 minutes. You are in the best mood after your afternoon nap. And you are usually in the bed by 7 or 8
- You only have those two bottom teeth, but I think some are trying to come in. You have been drooling and pulling at your mouth alot the last week.
- You would rather stand than sit ALL the time which wears mommy and daddy out! Thank goodness for your jumper and walker. Still no crawling, but you pull your knees up all the time. Just when we think you are about to take off you will look up at us and then lay back down. You have taken a few steps and I believe you'll be walking and skipping the whole crawling phase.
- You talk, babble, giggle, and yell constantly. You can say "dad-da, ma-ma, and dye-dye (which means bye-bye. haha!).
- You love listening to music. You get that honestly! When we are in church and they start singing and playing you are in the pew rocking back and forth. It's so cute! Anytime there is music playing on the TV you stop what your doing and just have that mesmerized look on your face. I really hope you'll be musically talented.
- You like to play peek-a-boo
- You are still enjoying your bath time. I believe you would stay in there for hours if we let you. You love to just kick and splash around. I really believe getting you in the pool this summer is going to be alot of fun! At least I hope so.
- You have started mimicking what other people say and do.
He just keeps getting cuter every time I see him and I'll never get tired of looking at him and seeing that face and that precious smile! Really looking forward to seeing y'all again next month! As fast as time seemed to go for me as a Daddy, it seems to go even faster as a GrandDaddy! One year old next month!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove to All, Dad