Tuesday, September 8, 2009

To Grandmother's House We Go!

today i got Bryson out for the first time all by myself :-) it was kinda' a big deal for me because i have been so nervous to 1) take him out anywhere since he was born 3 weeks early and had to spend some time in NICU due to his lungs. and with the whole swine flu going around we just can't afford for him to get sick. 2) afraid that i won't be able to handle him all on my own. what if he screams bloody murder like he's done a few times in the last 7 weeks. and you have all these people staring at you wondering what in the world you are doing to your baby or their thinking would you please take that baby somewhere else!!

but alas we did venture off today to go and see my grandparents. they only live about 15 minutes away and i thought this would be a good starting point (i'm taking baby steps).

Bryson did great :-) he LOVES car rides and i timed it just perfect arriving to their house. Bryson was just waking up and ready to eat.

this is Bryson and his great grandmother.
she went on and on about how pretty he was and how much he looks like his mother (AWH!!) she brought out some old pictures and as i was thumbing through them i saw my hospital picture and i have to side with my grandmother. my sweet little boy looks very much like his momma. RELAX clay, i think he looks a lot like you too:)

this is Bryson with his great granddaddy.
Bryson was so sweet. he just laid in my grandfather's lap for about an hour. my grandfather was so proud and just kept telling me what a handsome boy he was. and said how he's going to grow up and be a wonderful young man.

we were able to spend about 2 hours with them. it's been about 5 weeks since they have seen him and they were so amazed at how big he had gotten. my little boy is growing up SO FAST! i'm trying so hard to soak up every minute with him over the next 3 weeks. i'm DREADING going back to work. every night i rock him to sleep i just tear up and pray that these next few weeks will go by very slow.


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