Sunday, April 19, 2009

Random and A Great Giveaway

sorry in advance, but this post is complete randomness.

i'm sitting here at work BORED to death (and that rarely happens)!! there is absolutely nothing going on. i was a little reluctant to type those words in fear that we would get busy, but that never happened. the only exciting thing was getting the patients out in the hallway for a Code T (Tornado Warning) and that only lasted for about 35 minutes.

i did get a few things accomplished. got IV's started on both of my patients. did some "mandatory school work" as i like to call it to keep my education up at work. caught up on some blog reading and some of the latest Hollywood gossip:)

Bryson has been kicking alot over the last few days. so today i have found myself sitting here with my hands on my tummy trying to feel his every move. late wednesday night, clay was able to feel him kick for the first time:) i think he was a little thrown off at first, but he has really opened up with wanting to feel him move and talking to him every chance he gets.

by the way a great "perfect package giveaway" is going on over at Be Thou a Knight. lianna is having another BIG chip in giveaway and the prizes are awesome!! go check out her blog for more info. just click on the button below and you can find out all of the details. there are several ways to win and lots of different prizes!!

i'm off for the next 7 days and have alot on the agenda. hope to be done with the baby's nursery on friday or saturday so watch for those first phase pics.

hope ya'll had a wonderful and blessed Sunday:)


  1. Ooo 7 days off. You and my husband are lucky people. He works at a hospital too. Feeling the baby is the best thing ever!! I hope you get lots done!

  2. That is so exciting about the baby kicking!! I hope you get a lot of your agenda done on your 7 days off!


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