Saturday, July 26, 2008


have you ever felt like the smallest decisions in life can sometimes be the hardest to make. decisions in life should not be this hard. life in general should not be this hard, but i guess it is what makes us stronger. over the last six months i have tried to make a better effort in praying for God's will for my life. i have been a Christian for over 13 years and it seems that in the past six months to a year i have finally realized that i cannot make decisions on my own. crazy i know!! what in the world was i thinking that i could handle my own problems? my life has been full of ups and downs. more downs than ups here lately (could this possibly be from me trying to make my own decisions without the help of my heavenly father)? the decisions we make in life requires the help from our wonderful Savior. without his guidance we end up going the long way around. and trust me i know all about the long way around. in Isaiah 58:11 it says: the Lord will guide you always: He will satisfy your needs... sometimes it is hard for me to understand that the Lord knows what is best for my life. so many times i want to do things my way and in my time without waiting on the Lord. i need to remember the verse of scripture in Psalms that says to be still and know that i am God. decisions in life can be difficult when we don't seek the will of God. over the next few weeks my husband and i have a lot of decisions we need to make. i pray that during this time we will seek the will of God and listen closely to what he says. prayer is so powerful. well... i guess i have gone on long enough. hope everyone has a great weekend.

Trusting In Him!!

1 comment :

  1. This is awesome Jennifer and you know I can relate! :)

    Praying for you too.


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